Honestly Chaengie, who's that good at gift giving that they would literally deliver someone's soulmate on their lap. Or, well, their parking spot." Lisa giggled. "You're unreal."

"I knew after that incident I was right about you two. Lalisa Manoban getting that angry over a parking spot, I knew it was over for you if someone could get you that riled up within seconds of meeting them."

"She cut me off!" Lisa said indignantly. "I mean, it was an accident or whatever but that parking spot was mine to begin with, why wouldn't I get angry over it? Especially after she flipped her hair at me when I honked at her."

"Lisa." Chaeyoung said shaking her head incredulously because even after all this time Lisa still didn't see it and she knew she was going to have to show her, yet again. "How did you officially meet Moonbyul?"

"She T-boned our car when she was drag racing that obnoxious rich kid who had kept bragging about his new car. You were there?" Lisa asked in confusion.

"And what's the first thing you told her when she apologized for hitting us and almost getting us hurt."

"That it was no big deal?" Lisa said, not knowing where Chaeyoung was going with this.

"Your car was completely totaled Lisa. The car that you had finally managed to save up for because you were too proud to let our parents buy you one was completely wrecked when she hit us at that light."

"Yeah, I know, and?"

Chaeyoung shook her head and started adjusting the lapels to Lisa's suit while she continued to talk. Lisa had paced so much everything was uneven.

"And she literally trashed your car on accident and neither of you had insurance so you literally lost out on all of that money in one fell swoop yet she became one of your best friends after that. You didn't even fight with her when the accident happened, you took it in stride instead of jumping down her throat."

"She tried paying me back, she just couldn't do it all at once. Plus, Byulie is cool as hell. Of course we'd be friends." Lisa shrugged. "She was super cool so there was no reason for me to get angry with her when it happened."

"Stand up." Chaeyoung said and Lisa did as she was told and Chaeyoung undid Lisa's tie so she could tie it again for her, sighing heavily before continuing because Lisa still didn't get her point. "Okay fine, what about that time we had that group date. When it was you and Suzy and me and Vanessa and Suzy's best friend and her boyfriend and that other couple that was the boyfriend's friends. Do you remember?"

"Vividly." Lisa said, making a face but standing as still as she could so Rosie could properly tie her tie.

"Of course you do, because Suzy's friend spent the entire time during the date talking about how her parents were going to buy her a BMW for her birthday and she wouldn't shut up about her summer vacation in Italy or about how her boyfriend bought her a Balenciaga purse for christmas and she kept showing off her jewelry and on and on it went."

"She was annoying, I forgot about her until just now. That girl made me cringe she was so spoiled and out of touch. I don't think she said anything the entire time that wasn't her bragging about the things she owned or the things people did for her."

"Yeah, I know. Yet you still didn't say a word to shut her up the entire time. You were too unbothered."

"Why would I care? I wasn't the one that didn't know how to pump gas because I wasn't handed everything over by rich parents and became literally useless and unable to do anything for myself."

Chaeyoung couldn't help the giggles, she had forgotten about that. The girl had been bragging about how pretty she apparently was because she got some guy to pump the gas for her once when she was running out of gas because she didn't know how to do it herself since her boyfriend or her father always did it for her.

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