Chapter 5: Devotion

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(Get ready for a long chapter!)

    "Oh. Hi, (Y/N)," one of them sarcastically greeted you with both a confused and uncomfortable expression, "Are you. . are you following us?"
    Your eyebrows furrowed upon this accusation. "I wasn't following you guys."
    This didn't seem to convince the group as they stared with doubtful eyes. They then noticed a figure behind you and immediately felt nervous upon the tall person's presence that stood without moving a muscle. Their eyes scanned bottom to top eventually viewing his "face."
    The presumed "leader" of the group took their attention away from the man and towards you while the others didn't take their eyes off the adult. Their paranoia made them advert their eyes between The Jester and you and they spoke, "S-So, who's this guys? Is he your dad?"
    Taken aback by the question, you comprehended who they were referring to until you remembered the man they were asking about was your magician friend whom you've forgotten in the moment was behind you. Taking a glance at The Jester, who only stood watching the situation unfold in front of him between you and your ex-friends, you turned back around at the group trying hard to maintain a tough act and simply respond with, "He's my friend."
    "Your friend," one of them repeated scoffing, then the leader spoke again, "You're friends with someone older than you. What a loser."
    "He isn't my friend because he's older. He's my friend because he cares and not like you guys! You never cared about me but I was nice to you! I-"
    "We were nice, (Y/N). But you're just annoying," your friend said, cutting you off in a strangely proud way with the things that were said from the mouth of someone you used to trust. This shot your heart. It broke in so many pieces you couldn't fathom. Your heart pounded as well as a pit being felt digging deep below in your stomach. Tears didn't wait a moment to build up in your eyes.
    The Jester meanwhile felt a bit unpleasant from the very start the moment he found out these children were the friends you were talking about. However, those words really pissed him off the moment they came out of that kid's dirty trap being that they were used to target at you. With his common decency, he unfortunately repressed his emotions considering they were just children after all.
    He worryingly watched you visibly slightly shaking knowing you were about to burst out crying. But you didn't as you turned around walking away and past him.
    "Let's go," you weakly said not even taking a glance at The Jester. While the group behind you stifled their laughs, you tried hard not to sob right then and there. The Jester intensely kept a close watch on the group with a plan that'll get right into action the moment they turn their backs. Meanwhile with you, continued sadly walking not realizing The Jester wasn't following behind until a huge splash was heard behind you. The sound made you lift up your head and instantly whip around to reveal the group had water poured onto them! Every inch of their costumes dripped wet and the also night being cold, shivered them cold as ice. You stumbled back shocked while you stared dumbfounded. All of them slowly turned around growing angry by the second while the moment when you were in their view, snapped them into charging. You somehow froze on the spot while not looking away as they ran at you yelling. Your breathes fell heavy and yet you couldn't move.
    A hand all of a sudden gripped your arm, jolting you out of surprise but was quick to recover seeing it was only The Jester who motioned you to get on his back. Without a moment to spare, you got on his back with your arms around his neck and he ran carrying you effortlessly before the group could reach them. Poor you held on for dear life getting the feeling as if one little slip of your grip will lead you tumbling down.
    Your head was pressed up against the nape of The Jester's neck with your eyes tightly being closed. The voices of your ex-friends echoed as more distance were added between you and The Jester, and them. And when their voices seemed far enough, you peaked with one eye. Seeing that the coast was clear, you fully opened your eyes and lifted your head, feeling the cool breeze blow onto your skin. Surprise turned into happiness, then overwhelming joy rushed through you. You giggled and howled cheerfully, lifting yourself up even more to be as high as possible. The Jester slightly turned his head behind to take a glance at you feeling surprised at your current demeanor but was happy that you were having fun just as much as he was.
    After some time, you were carefully placed back down on both your feet when The Jester knew the group wouldn't be able to catch up.
    "Did you do that?" you asked laughing.
    The Jester dusted off his shoulder and adjusted himself with a sense of smugness and confidence. You picked up on this and laughed once more.
    "That was so cool! How did you do that?"
    He wagged his finger, not being able to tell you. You've realized and gasped. "Oh! I forgot, a magician does not reveal their tricks."
    Your statement made The Jester nod in approval with a sharp thumbs up before ruffling your head.
"Hey!" You giggled and took off his hand before holding it. The Jester watched your sweet smile that filled his heart with happiness. And with that, both of you went on to where you left off during trick-or-treating.
    As time went on, your bag slowly got heavy from each house you rung, filling your bag just halfway. Every time a person opens their door, you smile with your bag outstretched towards them. You felt excited every time you watched them hand you a handful of candy from their bowls. For some houses, it's the same concept of a bowl full of candy with a note saying to take one candy but The Jester doesn't buy that. You on the other hand prevented him from taking the bowls and dumping all the candy into your bag like last time every single time. Though he didn't push it and only tolerated your commands after every first attempt doing so.
    An hour passed and both of you were currently sitting on one of the blue metal picnic tables to take a break. You were eating candy from the bag while chatting with The Jester whom sat on the opposite side from you as he did magic tricks which never fails to impress you. He was performing the trick with foam balls where one would pick one of both hands that held a foam ball but it ends up not being in neither or the foam balls would be held in both when there was thought to be only one. Or there would be multiple. All is too confusing to comprehend when every time it's revealed your answer was incorrect. Your eyes sparkled with amazement at how precise The Jester's tricks are. Eventually, it only ended with you watching his performance without choosing knowing you'll always get it wrong.
    At one point, the thought of your ex-friends suddenly popped up into your head. Their words hurt you real bad and it made you question if you were the problem. The Jester noticed your out-of-the-blue behavior and stopped what he was doing. You looked at him realizing he noticed and was questioning your sadness.

    "Mr. Jester? Why did my friends turn against me? What did I do wrong? They were nice before, but now we are no longer friends. Why is that?"
    The Jester seemed to be pondering about something. His finger tapped synchronously on the table. You wondered what he was thinking.
    Just then, he stood up and walked towards a telephone box that you didn't realize was there when you first came to the area. He stood before it and turned around for you to follow along. Confused, you got up from your seat and walked to the box. Once next to him, you looked up at him for the next instructions and he proceeded with a hand outstretched to the telephone and took it off the box to hand to you. You took the phone, looking at it with a puzzled gaze not knowing what you were suppose to do with it until The Jester gestured with a hand phone next to his ear. You did as instructed and immediately was surprised to hear the voice of your father. You don't remember inserting any money in the box and pressing his number onto it. Turning where you thought The Jester were to still stand, he wasn't there anymore.

    "Hey, kiddo," your father's voice spoke from the other end.
    "D-Dad? How are you talking to me? I didn't put your number in."
    "Well, a magician doesn't reveal their secrets, don't they?"
    You were familiar with that line.
    "Nope, they do not. My friend is a magician too and he doesn't! He took me to this telephone box and had me take the phone and now I hear you. What a coincidence! Are you apart of this?"
    The voice chuckled, "I would say I am, or say it is a coincidence, if it weren't for me being the friend, (Y/N)."
    You were in complete confusion at this point. What did your father mean? Looking around for The Jester, you were relieved upon finally seeing him. But then everything connected when realizing what the voice had said meant. You stared at The Jester baffled by what you think could possibly be true in this situation. Pointing at the phone and then at him, your father's voice spoke through the line again. "Yes. That's me."
    Your jaw dropped. You quickly turned away as you held the phone close to your ear eagerly.
    "Does this mean we are finally communicating?!"
    He chuckled, "It sure does."
    "But listen, (Y/N)," The Jester said with a tone mixed of reassurance and seriousness, "You didn't do anything wrong for them to leave. They left upon their choice. It must be for the better that they did because they were mean. If you'd stuck around, you'll get hurt really badly, as much as you feel hurt at the moment letting go without a choice."
    You turned back around towards The Jester whom began slowly walking to you.
    "But. . they don't hurt me."
    He spoke, "Hurting doesn't always mean inflicting physical harm, (Y/N). They disregarded you. You felt bad when they did that, no? After realizing what they did wasn't good? You even acknowledged the fact they didn't appreciate your kindness when confronting about their actions."
    "But now I think I made them like that. Maybe I'm not a good friend too," you sadly said.
    When The Jester knelt on one knee once in front of you, he placed a hand on your shoulder.
    "Letting go will make you realize those types of people don't like the real you."
    "Then why be my friends?"
    The Jester looked down, feeling guilty for not knowing all the answers to your questions you desperately want answers to.
    "I don't know. I'm sorry, (Y/N). But what I do know is people can be mean for no reason or bring wonderful people down, such as yourself they did cruelty on. Those people were never your friends. Even from the very beginning."
    "This is your chance to find better friends, (Y/N)."
    "But," you said, "aren't you enough?"
    When you asked that, The Jester was yet again surprised with your answer. He sheepishly chuckled, "I didn't think you'd mention me! How sweet of you."
    You smiled, "Of course I will! You're who I am happy to be friends with! You're kind, respectful, respectable, and good!" But remembering the incident with the man who wasn't handing out candy, you sucked in your teeth, "Well. . not to that man."
    "Of course," The Jester chuckled. "I still apologize for that. Though how flattered am I! You're quite those characteristics yourself, y'know?"
    "Thank you, Mr. Jester! And honestly, I am happy we are friends. I don't think I know someone who is as caring as you to go that far."
    And by that, you happily embraced your friend without warning. Instead of being frozen like how The Jester was the last time you hugged him, he immediately hugged you back.

(Spoilers!!!!!! If you have watched The Jester movie, you'll realize the part where The Jester spoke through the phone to communicate with (Y/N) is inspired by the scene when The Jester spoke to Emma through her phone to who she thought was her mother talking!)

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