"Um...what do I do?" He was so close to her ear Fang could feel the smooth gold coating on his tusk brush it. She turned her face to hisand the corners of their mouths touched, and Valen's body twitched. "Oh..."

"Don't think," Fang murmured, low enough to keep her voice from traveling to the next stall. She flattened her hand against his chest; his hearts pounded even through the layers of silk and leather. "Just go for it." The tiniest nod and the sound of him swallowing occupied the second before Valen closed the remaining distance and touched the outer edge of Fang's lips. He shuddered when he did it, and Fang smiled. "There you go." As if her praise were fuel, the heat already coming off of Valen's body intensified. His hands left his lap and went to Fang's sides, and she gasped when he pulled her up onto his thighs. "Oh!"  Valen sputtered an apology and made to push her away, but Fang looped an arm around his shoulders and gripped his coat. "You're fine, you just surprised me. What were you going to do next?"

He looked at her, perplexed. "Um... I don't know."

"Would it help if I told you what I'd like?" She smiled as Valen's eyes grew huge and he nodded eagerly. "Okay, that works. Look here," Fang shook her hair back, raised her chin and pointed to the side of her neck below her ear. "Start here, and work your way down. I don't mind if you bite, just be careful." Let's get this rolling.

Valen's red tongue snaked out and touched his lips. "You... you'd like that?" His breaths had picked up, and his long tail lay switching on the stone floor and sweeping loose straw around; in his eyes Fang saw a glimmer of the light from last night and noted – with a touch of surprise – that his excitement titillated her as well. He's just excited because of the attention, he'd be just as happy if I was a Drass girl. She nodded and watched his eyes move slowly down to her throat; around her waist his hands kneaded softly and then tightened, pulling her closer. Fang turned her face, making an opening and watching from the corner of an eye as Valen took a breath to steady himself and leaned in. Fang shivered when his lips touched her skin. "Hngh?"  Valen paused, "like that?"

"Mm-hmm,"Fang reached up and settled her hand at the back of his neck, pushinglightly. "I'll tell you if I don't like it."

At first Valen's kisses were shy and hesitant, but as he pressed bravely on and Fang encouraged him with gentle pats and noises he grew bolder. He opened his mouth and dragged his gold-plated tusks over her skin, sending hot ripples of delight all the way down to her toes. A soft growl emanated from the Dragon Prince, and Fang's breath caught as the muscles in her thighs tightened and a pink flush crept up her cheeks. Firemother, he is way too good at this! Fang sighed and let her body relax, molding into Valen's arms and smiling when he adjusted his hold to support her better. The growl deepened and the press of his tusks pulled a sound from Fang's throat that caused Ika to turn her head and snort at them. Valen popped up, "Did I hurt you?"

"No, keep going." Fang presented her throat again and sighed with pleasure as he dipped back down. Moving farther this time, he found the point where her shoulder met her neck and licked the hollow above her collar-bone; Fang worked her hand behind his head, rubbed her cheek against the soft leather of his ear and listened to his sounds and those of his many studs and chains. I should get some too, to match him – it'll help sell the image. Turning her face Fang took his ear between her teeth and ran her tongue along its edge; Valen made a muffled noise somewhere between a grunt and a moan, and again his tusks pressed into her flesh. She curled her hand into his hair and gave a light tug, curious, and earned another moan along with a subtle change in the topography of his leggings. "You like that?"

Valen growled emphatically, his tail lashing against the stall's wooden partition as he squeezed her body. Eyah, he's rich, sexy, horny and he's kinky?! Firemother's ashes, I'm in trouble! But she couldn't help herself and tugged again. This time when Valen reacted, it was with a sharp hiss. "Please, Fang, not in the stables."

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