17 || the storm

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With each step closer to your house, Kuroo's heart pounded in his chest like a drumbeat of apprehension. He couldn't help but wonder if he was making the biggest mistake of his life - if he was crossing a line from which there was no return. That turning point he felt glistening in the lights of Tokyo now seemed like a distant memory, a now long lost illusion of happiness.

Inside your house, the quiet of the night enveloped you as you went on with your evening routine, blissfully unaware of the looming threat. Kuroo's presence, like a shadow in the darkness, drew closer with each passing minute.

As he stood outside, the balaclava clutched tightly in his right hand, and a rusty hammer in his left, Kuroo's inner agitation reached its breaking point. His senses were now more dazed than ever, and he was consumed by a sense of urgency and desperation. The decision had been made, the point of no return crossed. Kuroo was about to break into your house, his actions driven by a complex web of emotions that consumed him like a voracious flame on a thin candle.

You moved about your house with your world bathed in the soft glow of lamplight, the ominous presence of Kuroo not even crossing your mind. 

It was time. He carefully slid the balaclava on top of his hair, letting the warmth of the mask envelope his features. The last light in your house turned off, taking away the shimmer of pink away from the wool; in the dark, it ultimately dulled into a deep purple.

His heart pounded in his chest, with each step echoing like a dreadful drumbeat. The tranquility of the night was about to be shattered, and no one could have predicted the consequences of Kuroo's desperate actions

Kuroo moved stealthily through the dimly lit hallway of your house. The faint glow of the moon spilled through the threadbare curtains, casting eerie shadows that danced across the innocent walls. 

He was successfully able to sneak into your room - refraining himself from giving you too much attention - to steal the underwear you were wearing in the stories he posted on Instagram. After giving them a good sniff, he hid them clumsily into his own boxers, now mentally preparing for the more challenging bit of his plan.

He approached Kiyoshi's room, heart pounding in his chest, and hammer just low enough to graze the surface of the wooden floor, in a cacophony of fear and guilt that echoed in his mind. He had never done anything like this before, and the gravity of his actions weighed heavily on him. He swallowed hard, trying to quell the unease that churned in his stomach.

With a cautious hand, he turned the doorknob, wincing as it emitted a low, rusty groan. Kuroo stepped inside, the darkness swallowing him like a shroud. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dimness, revealing the disarray of Kiyoshi's room – posters of soccer teams plastered on the walls, clothes strewn across the floor, and a faint smell of dirty socks and kids' perfume in the air.

Kiyoshi lay in his bed, peacefully asleep, oblivious to the intruder in his room. Kuroo approached him, his footsteps silent as a ghost's, until he stood by the bedside. He could hear Kiyoshi's soft, rhythmic breathing and see the purity that clung to the boy's face - the moonlight bathed his rosy lips and puffy cheeks, and long eyelashes curled away into the cold air, giving away his angelic, innocent soul.

Kuroo gently placed a hand over Kiyoshi's mouth to stifle any potential scream. The sudden intrusion jolted Kiyoshi awake, his eyes wide with fear. Kuroo pressed a finger to his lips, silently urging him to be quiet.

"Hello," Kuroo whispered, his voice low, but subtly scared as well. "I'm going to break your legs."

Kiyoshi's eyes darted around the room, searching for any sort of help. "Do what?" he stammered through the pressure of the man's hand, his voice trembling. In the corners of his eyes, crumbles of yellowy sleep crust softened with tears, threatening to roll down his cheeks at any moment.

Kuroo's grip tightened slightly. "I'm- I'm breaking your legs. Please, tell everyone who did it too. Look at me." he drew imaginary circles around his face with a trembling finger, "remember this. And tell everybody."

Kiyoshi's face now frowned with the struggle of holding in tears as he attempted to speak. "Then why are you breaking my legs, stupid? Wouldn't it be enough if you just scared me?"

Kuroo's heart ached with guilt, but he knew he had to continue. "No kid, there wouldn't be enough proof."

Kiyoshi's voice quivered as he implored, "Then break a window or something?"

Kuroo hesitated, considering the suggestion. "It's not as impactful," he admitted, torn between his mission and his humanity.

Kiyoshi's face contorted with terror and frustration. "Psycho," he commented through Kuroo's restraining hand, his eyes only now falling onto the crusty utensil in the man's other hand. The situation all seemed too surreal to not allow him a sassy moment, but now it all came crashing down on his shoulders, as the guy in the pink balaclava held the hammer high in the air, adjusting its aim.

A lace of pearly sweat beams hung now from the little boy's hairline, and he let himself cry, still not trying to fight back against his fate. He thought of Kaori and her wonderful hair that smelled like vanilla, her adorable eyes that squinted into shiny almonds as she saw him. He thought of how she now wouldn't be able to cheer for him standing on the sidelines, how she wouldn't be impressed by him now that he couldn't play soccer. And he even gave up on his life, now accepting the prospect of a future without his favorite sport. 

And he felt something that resembled pity, as if he was a scapegoat in a game much, much greater than his small self. He stared blankly at the man, emotionless as a lone tear stained his temple and hid into his dark hair. And there it came.

His left tibia cracked, emitting the bloodcurdling snap of a bunch of tree twigs breaking in half under the pressure of the brutal impact. Kiyoshi felt his bones splintering on the inside, the bone smashed into a multitude of small jagged pieces, each branching out into his own soft flesh. The fragments rubbed against each other as they moved around the soft pulp of his meat and skin, leaving his insides feeling warm from the blood erupting from the veins and arteries, and now flowing back into his muscles. 

It was a pain so strong he couldn't even process it, his mind going numb as it tried to simulate that sharp pain of a million burning knives cutting the boy's leg from the inside. The barbed crown of bones caught his flesh and tightened it back into a new painful position. 

Kuroo repositioned the hammer once again above the other leg, now driven only by pure insanity as he went for another hit. His golden eyes made contact with Kiyoshi's half-lidded ones, just to make sure he stayed awake through the whole process. 

Another crack echoed in the quiet room, and Kuroo let go of Kiyoshi's mouth to start running away. 

The little boy gasped loudly to catch breath as the man in the pink balaclava ran away. He tried to get up and chase him but only heavily fell down to the ground, his bones once again crashing against each other with a strength that made Kiyoshi emit a scream that violently slashed the silence of the night - a scream that still held the childish hope of it all just being a nightmare. The hope of beings held into his mother's arms into a tight hug, and this all being just a manifestation of his pre-championship anxiety.

Deep down he knew that the pain was very real, but it was nice to hope. 

To dream.

To sleep.


I love my baby kiyoshi. i didnt really get the chance to correct but ill do it in the next few days, JUST TRYING TO CATCH UP WITH ALL THE STUFF THAT I MISSED 

also tell me what quality in this man pushed me to deliver these catatonic bombs
"Please, Universe, if you're not gonna let me heal from my pain, let me at least watch how he would handle my loneliness."

ily all keep slaying xoxo

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