Release My Granddaughter

Start from the beginning

"We agreed to wait. Having children in a war torn country is not ideal."

"No, I suppose it is not." The High Sparrow agreed. "When your first husband died, you travelled into the home of one of his enemies. Why is this?"

"My family recognized the error of our ways and came to serve our true King."

"Yes. Of course, you ended up marrying the King, after he cast aside his former betrothed, and he died at your wedding. Two dead husbands. It doesn't not look good for you, Your Grace."

"Are you accusing me of something?"

"Other than adultery, not yet. That will be all." He turned away. "You may take her."

Margaery stood to leave but was seized by members of the Faith Militant.

"What are you doing? Let me go! I am the Queen!"

"Yes, you are." The High Sparrow acknowledged. "Unfortunately for you, Kings and Queens are not exempt from an inquisition by the Faith. You will return to your cell until more evidence can be heard and it is decided whether or not to hold a formal trial."

Margaery looked at her grandmother. "Grandmother!"

Sadly, Olenna knew there was very little she could do. 

She had to watched as her granddaughter was dragged from the room, her husband, the King, doing nothing to stop it.

It seemed in recognizing how easy it would be for Margaery to manipulate him, she overlooked how easily he could become a pushover.

The trial over, Olenna made her way to the chambers of her grandson's wife.

She ignored the guard standing outside, waltzing into the room without knocking.

Aelinor, who had been playing on the floor with Aegar, looked up at the sudden intrusion.

"Lady Olenna," she greeted.

"Did you know?"

"Did I know what?"

"Don't play stupid. Did you know your mother was going to have my granddaughter, your sister-by-law, put on trial for adultery?"

"I admit I heard the rumours and of her arrest, but I do not know whether or not my mother was behind it."

"Are you sure about that?"

Suddenly Aegar began crying, causing Aelinor to lift him up and rock him.

"Shh, shh, it's alright." She allowed Aegar to rest his head on her chest. "Yes, I am sure. My mother listens to nobody. With her father gone, there is no one to keep her in line. If I knew she planned on having Margaery arrested, do you think I would keep that quiet? She is my husband's sister. The Reach is the only Kingdom not fantasizing about our downfall."

"And yet my granddaughter, the Queen, sits in a cell on charges of adultery based on 'rumours'."

"I confine myself to my chambers. You think I don't want to explore the Keep with my son? It is too dangerous. If these fanatics arrested everyone who has rumours about them, there would hardly be anyone left."

"Indeed. You know, you're lucky you have not become the source of attention of the High Sparrow's cleansing of the city. In fact, none of your family has."

"That is true."

"Even though we both know there are more than enough rumours to have all of you imprisoned."

She looked at the door, which was still open, walking over and closing it. She didn't unnecessary ears listen in on the rest of this conversation.

"Is that some kind of threat?"

"Oh no. When I make threats, they are not veiled."

"Perhaps you should not make them at all. It is very easy to be misunderstood, especially in a place like the Capital."

"If need be, I think I'll take my chances."

"You know, I like you," Aelinor began. "And I am grateful for how your family acknowledges my son. But, if anyone tries to harm him or intentionally place him in danger, I will not hesitate to slit their throat." She looked up at Olenna. "See? Not veiled, and not a threat. It's a promise."

"It would seem the 'Silver Stag' is much more similar to the 'Golden Lioness' than she realizes."

"Why? Because we both express the desire to keep our children safe from harm? Is that not what mothers are supposed to do?"

"What mothers are meant to is guide our children, especially our sons, away from the grave, even when the things they do, make you believe they yearn for it."

"Which is exactly why I intend not to follow in her footsteps. Instead, I will forge my own path."

"Hmm. At least my grandson has wife with some wits to her."

"Yes, he does."

With a "Hmm", Olenna exited Aelinor's chambers.

Aelinor looked down at her son, who was now calm and staring up at her.

"Don't you worry, my sweet boy. Mommy has a plan. She would let anyone hurt you."

And she did. Her instincts were usually right, and right now, they were telling her something bad was about to happen. Something that would cause a domino effect of events.

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