Chapter 5

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Ariel: Unfortunately, Lana will be late, but we can still tell the story.

Tyson: RIGHT, so they put me in First Aid. Which was stupid because I KEPT asking them "WHAT WAS GOING ON??"

Luke: They probably thought you lost your memory or something.

Ariel: But couldn't they see there was no fire????

Camila: They have such big breathing masks, I guess not.

Ariel: Well, they were dumb. Because while they were being useless, Ms. Raven jumped out of a bush and took Luke away, and Lana followed.

Luke: I was unconscious at the time, so we'll have to wait for Lana.

Ariel: Okay...what about Camila, Aiden, Aaliyah and Drake? What happened to you guys?

Camila: Well basically we heard heavy stomping, and then water spraying everywhere. And the flooring upstairs is so cheap because it started leaking and flooding the basement.

Aiden: Yeah. At first, it was all right, but Camila couldn't swim.

Camila: I'm SO SORRY, BUT it's not like I was preparing for this moment where I'd have to swim or I'd die.

Ariel: But you didn't die.

Aiden: Yeah, after I swam up, and Drake and Aaliyah followed, we realized Camila was drowning and Aaliyah went down to help her.

Camila: Thanks again!!

Aaliyah: No probs!

Aiden: What do you mean "no probs"???!! You were literally drowning down there!!

Aaliyah: Well, what do you EXPECT me to say? "No problem, but I risked my life down there"?!!


Aiden: FINE! So me and Drake waited, but nobody came.

Drake: Yeah, so we went down and saw Aaliyah straining to pull Camila and then started to lose air, and drown.

Camila: OH, I am SOOO sorry!!!

Aaliyah: No worries, it's not like I was going to let you drown.

Drake: You could have came up and asked us for help instead of drowning!!

Aaliyah: Sorry, but she was losing air, and I didn't want to waste any time.

Aiden: So basically, Aaliyah lost her conscious so it was down to me and Drake to man up, and carry them up.

Camila: Man up? I may have lost my conscious but I felt you straining.

Aiden: Yeah, because....I was flexing my muscles.

Aaliyah: In the middle of trying to survive, you really need to set your priorities.

Drake: Oh ha, ha! You were the ones who were unconscious.

Aaliyah: I-


Aaliyah: Can't, I got to go to dance classes now, byeeee!

Ariel: I'm really doubting everyone's dedication.

Lana: Same here.


Lana: I already told you I'd be late.

Ariel: You didn't tell me you'd miss it.

Lana: It's not MY problem you ended early.

Ariel: ?!

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