15- Call out my name

Start from the beginning

I saw him crying in my arms and I preferred to see him like that with me rather than see him smiling at Daniel while hiding the rest.

But I feel my heart squeezing when the smile I address to the driver doesn't meet with an answer.

The party at the mansion seems to be a distant memory.

I sit between Daniel and Pierre.

I try to focus on the questions that journalists ask and the answers that the others drivers give.

My eyes glide to the Dutchman every minute. He stares at the reporters and nods his head from. He laughs at Daniel's jokes and answers questions with his usual frankness.

Pierre gives me a slight bend to get my attention.

"Is everything all right?"

I reply with a positive nod but Pierre has known me for too long and already knows that something makes me nervous.

"We'll talk about it after the race if you want."

When the end of the conference is announced, I rush out without waiting.

Max Verstappen

For the first time in several years, my mind is not monopolized by Armand.

I'm thinking about Charles. A lot.

He knows a lot about me, probably too much, but I can't help but want to tell him everything. I don't really know why, but I feel like I trust him.

That's weird. I've never felt the need or desire to confide in anyone before.

And then, of course, I'm thinking back to the party we shared two weeks ago.

I feel my heart getting warm when I remember the look and smile of the Monegasque. His warm skin under my fingers and his soft lips against mine.

And then... before he left, he looked like he wanted to do it again. I liked it.

With Armand it's never been so explosive and intoxicating. Even at first.

It's probably because Charles represents something forbidden to me that it's so intense.

I have to be discreet. Armand already suspects something. If he finds out what happened, I don't know what he'll be able to do to me.

Since the beginning of the weekend, every time I ran into Charles, he smiled at me softly. I wish I could smile back at him.

But Armand's here this weekend. And I know that if he sees me making even the slightest look or gesture towards the Ferrari driver, he'll make me pay this.

I'm in jail. An invisible jail I've been locked in alone for a long time.

And no one noticed.

Charles Leclerc

I need to talk to him.

I have to ask him if everything's okay between us. Maybe I did something inappropriate without realizing it.

He's acting like I doesn't exist at all.

I understand that he wants to remain discreet, but that's total indifference. He doesn't even say hello to me.

After putting on my racing suit in my driver's room, I pick up my phone and go through my call history to get his number.

I'm sending him a message.

Charles: Can we have a quick chat before the race?

I wait a few minutes, but he doesn't answer. I sigh and decide to go out and try to find him quickly. I need to be fixed before the race to start.

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