1. First and Last Date » h. joshua

Start from the beginning

"But now that you've given me permission, do you think I could take her on a date?" Joshua asked, hesitating yet hopeful.

He had contemplated all day on how to broach the subject with Jeonghan, but it seemed that Jeonghan had sensed his best friend's intentions.

Jeonghan chuckled. "Sure, go ahead. But make sure you bring her home early, okay? And no kissing," he said, his tone more serious this time, laying down some ground rules with a protective brotherly instinct.

Joshua smiled mischievously, handing his gloves to Jeonghan. "You're taking over dish duty for me, aren't you?" he teased, already making his way towards the stairs. He could hear Jeonghan's playful whine, "No! Come back, I changed my mind!" adding to the light-hearted moment.

In seconds, Joshua stood at her door, taking a deep breath and running his hand through his hair, composing himself before he knocked gently.

A faint "come in" was heard, and he entered, finding Y/N still in the process of packing her belongings.

She was taken aback to see him standing there, a pleasant surprise lighting up her face.

"Y/N, I know this is sudden, but can you take a break from packing for a little while? I'd like to take you somewhere," he said directly, not wanting to waste a single moment.

Y/N was caught in a moment of uncertainty, unsure if this was a playful joke orchestrated by Jeonghan or if Joshua's intentions were genuine.

Sensing her uncertainty, Joshua reassured her, "I promise you, this isn't a prank pulled by Jeonghan. He's fine with it."

"Oh, okay," she responded, trying to maintain a calm exterior, but her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Now, let's go," he said, taking her hand and leading her out. His touch made her feel flustered, but she followed him eagerly, ready for the unexpected adventure ahead.

Getting into the car, Joshua drove to his house, which was just 5 minutes away, to retrieve something. Afterward, they headed to a beautiful lake located near a serene forest.

Everything was alive with vibrant shades of green, a symphony of life. The scenery was breathtaking—the sky painted with hues of blue, the sun adding a golden glow that enhanced the beauty of it all.

Hopping out of the car, she was utterly mesmerized by the breathtaking view. Joshua smiled, taking in her awe-struck expression. "Do you like it?" he asked, wanting to know her thoughts.

"Yes, I love it!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with genuine delight and appreciation for the picturesque scene before her.

Joshua led her towards the lake, where he laid out a blanket on the lush grass. In his hand, he held a picnic basket. Y/N couldn't help but wonder, so she asked, "Wait, did you prepare a picnic?" Her curiosity piqued, filled with pleasant surprise.

Joshua responded, taking a seat right beside her. "Yes. I wanted to create a lasting memory for you," he said, giving her a warm smile, his eyes reflecting his sincerity.

"Thank you," she said, but her expression shifted, causing Joshua to furrow his brows in concern. "Hey, is everything alright? Did I say something wrong?" he asked, worried that he might have unintentionally upset her.

"No... but why did you choose to wait until now?" she asked, her curiosity prompting her to seek clarification from Joshua.

Joshua sighed softly, reaching for the food from the basket. He took a deep breath and then confessed, "Y/N, I'm aware of the difficult time you went through with Mingyu. That's why I hesitated to approach you, afraid that you might reject me," he said, his words filled with genuine concern and sincerity.

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