fizzy x ozzie🐓~

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🐓Asmodeous smiled and nuzzles him, he giggled and grabbed a newspaper clipping that was about droken horns and how to get a fake pair,

"Of course darling, look love see people know what you go through, I'm here though and through<3"

🐸He looks at the newspaper before looking back at him, his smile growing. "Thank you, Ozzie. It means a lot." He then leans over to kiss him. Asmodeus knew exactly what to do or say to make Fizz feel better.

🐓Asmodeous kisses fizz and holds him up to him, he smiles and blushes,

"Darling fizz I need a pic of your old horns and to measure meant for the base and I'll send it over, buuutttt for now I want some lovee~~~"

🐸He'll have to go through his old photos of him as a kid to find how big his horns actually were. He knew his horns did use to be quite big. "Oh~? The big lust guy wants some love~?" He was back to his goofy happy self, which was good.

🐓Asmodeous giggled and kissed on fizz's face down to his neck, he fit his hands from each side on fizz's hips/stomach,

"Oh baby ~ I want love💕~ hehehehe, I'll take off work to ravish you my darling leap frog~^^"

🐸His tail started to wag back and forth slightly at that. He was clearly enjoying this. He loved how much of his body Asmodeus could grab onto, using just one hand. "Oh hehehe~ Then ravish me~ I'm all yours after all~"

🐓Asmodeous pulled fizz close and rubbed up on his trying to feel him, he was blushed,

"Oh darling ~ your so smooth ~"

he kissed him lovingly

🐸He happily kisses him back while playing with Asmodeus's chest feathers. He was kind of glad that he only had an oversized shirt on at the moment. He wouldn't want to have to take all of his normal clothes off while feeling like this.

🐓Asmodeous grabbed fizz's tail and twirled it and pulled on it as he kept the kiss going, he couldn't get enough of the taste of candy like Carmel, he sucked on fizz's tongue,

"Mmm~ caramel~💕"

He lightly bit on fizz's tongue

Fizzarolli x Asmodeous NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now