Toxic Fangs 11 +goodybe

Start from the beginning

"Error. Torrust. What do you two need." King Asgore ask as he lean on his chair the big goat monster "We need to know some things. . .its important." "Ask away Error. I will try to answer you as much as I know." Error pull out the scroll as he handed it to Asgore and ask. Do you know something about this book? I found single page of it-." "Where did you find it?" Asgore cut Error off in shock as he read it few times trying to collect himself from shock.

"We found it back at north In the factory for the gems. There were also some deadly trap for vampires but we left unscated. Why you ask your majesty?" Torrust explain tilting his head confused. Asgore sigh as he handed the scroll back and stood up.

"Come. . . let me put up water for tea. This is important. I cannot let anyone to listen." Asgore told as he slowly walk from throne room to one of few private chambers with Torrust and Error following. When entering they were meet with beatufil garden and porch as Asgore prepare some tea he sat down with calm face Error on the other hand was patiently waiting with only Torrust worried of what might happen if any of them would get. . .too vocal.

"I don't know much about the scrolls only that they were written by one of the first generations before Great war." "So they are antient." "Indeed." "Is there any specific time when they were made." "I'm not sure. Everyone from that era is long dead so unless you can talk with the souls of the past. I'm afraid I might not be much of a help on that regard. I knew little from my father who was first Dreemurr who sat on throne as king." "First? I thought that-." "That we were always royal family. No Error. Yet we were wealthy but we were advisors like you. My grand, grand, grand, grand, grandfather was Advisor to one of the two kings of the time and help build a council of sort." "Council?" Error ask now being completely interested. Asgore spi a bit of his tea as he lean on the commically small chair and start to tell once more.

"When new era begun things needed to be set before chaos. Duo to mistakes of our ancestors they had o fix the mass most of them made. Old law was left to rot and new ensured. Picking only the good thingso ut of it. It was diplomacy. Both side in one table. All mortals trying to figrure out what to do before its too late." "So they set up set of rules?" "Yes. Make peace no violence. Back then. Magic was around 40% of population which changed when-." "When Plague hit." Torrust mumble.

"How do you know Torrust?" Error ask. "I'm alchemist I was thouhg this in school for all in medical industry they do finals from this theme. I know bere minimum since I kinda cheated. It had to do something with religion." "Not exactly Torrust. Since the plague affect on random one side decided to gather spilled blood of the savior and drank it." "Savior. Who is that." "I have no clue. Yet he was mostly praised as a fallen angel of sort. His blood was supposed to cure them of the plague. So Feared. One of the two halfs gather the blood and hand it over to his most important and his brother who was King of the other kingdon. . .my grandfathers king."

"What did happened next." Asgore humm for moment to thing before he spoke once more. "The blood was tainted. After drinking it they did cure their plague. But also cure their mortality and-." "Become vampires." Yes Error. "They Become those we now call Ancient vampires. Only vampires to know had magic like mortals. It said that 25% of population took the blood and become vampire while rest saw it as insanity and problems started."

"So the two political group got split?" "Sorta. They held meeting and while the higherups well still mostly in good terms. Population it self was mixed it lead to racism and lot of hatred. At one point the Great war started." "It was over two generation." Asgore nod silently answering Erro's question. "Please King Asgore. Tell us more." Torrust beg as much as Asgore face turn into one of disscomfortn he obliged. "The war took over two generations of rulers. Feared, his brother, and most of the left side of the council decide to commit mass suicide. being tired of living they left notes with their last wills and proposal to burrial they did mass poisoning one night." 

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