Extra #4

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Requested by Nikki_Stay_00

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     "Where is Chae?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask soombin," Jeongin huffed, crossing his arms as his back relaxed on the backrest, a frown creasing his face.

"Uh. . .?" Felix mused, looking around his friend group, searching for at least any sign of understanding. "Do you mean Moonjin?" He prodded, now looking at Jeongin who scoffed.

"She ditched you again?" Minho irked a brow, the brim of his lips slowly curving in to a smirk.

"Chae is with him?"

"Again, for the fourth time this week," The black haired retorted to Chan's question.

Just when Hyunjin was about to speak, they heard a knock on the window, turning to see a rather beat up looking Chaewon, with sweat dribbling down her forehead. "Hi."

"Hi my ass, get in here," Her so called best friend tugged her into Chan's truck, a reprimanding look on his face. "I swear every single time we plan on going out, you're always last to get here."

"But I'm here now," She beamed, whisking his hair, the brunette slapped her hand away, scrawling. "Hi everyone, sorry I'm late, I was with-"

"Moonjin? Yeah we know," Changbin interjected, peeking from the passenger's sit.

Chaewon nodded, not knowing what to say after that. She sat next to Jeongin, who pretended to be busy on his phone. The ravenette waved a small 'hi' only to receive a blank stare.

Its kinda how he acts lately, she shrugged it off, deciding to start up a conversation with the quiet Hwang behind them. "Hey Jinnie, you won't mind showing me a few tricks, right?"

He immediately caught onto to what she meant and scoffed. "Pfft, a few? Chae you're very terrible at bowling, almost as bad as Han."

"Hey, you watch your mouth, llama,"  Shot the brunette, he glared at Hyunjin, slowly sliding down his seat.

Chaewon and Hyunjin laughed, Felix was about to join, but was told off by Hyunjin, reminding him about his not so good skills.

Luckily for them Seungmin chose to ignore their loudness. But how long will that last?

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Second part loading. . .

Anyways hi, how are you?
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