"maybe" -I start- "Raina should try using her magic fire on the circles with the dragons stamped into them." Jack opens his mouth in an 'o' shape, and nods "yeah, let's do that."

Raina rolls her eyes but goes along with my plan, she stands up and goes over to one of the circles, she summons a flame and places it in the dragon's mouth. It lights up. She does the same to the other circle and waits. For a moment nothing happened, then the stone on the staff started glowing and spinning wildly, there was a weird grumbling noise and the statue slowly moved back into the wall, turning in a circle, it reveals a set of stairs leading down. woah. Raina stepped forward after a moment of hesitation, and as soon as she placed a foot on the first step, torches lit the rest of the way down.

She looks back at Jack then takes another step down. Jack shares a cautionary glance with me and Jasper before he too follows Raina down the stairs. Me and Jasper are quick to follow. Man, I feel like I'm in a play. After I take two steps away from the opening, the statue turns back to normal.

August 5, 1417
Dark Nation, Tyrin's Castle, Office

I hold back a sigh as I sweep the floors and dust the shelves in my mistress's office, with an emotionless mask on my face. I don't dare make a sound. Lest I be punished. I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to accept a job in Lady Tyrin's household.

When she found me in the streets, working to have enough money for at least a loaf of stale bread, she offered me a job as a servant for her family. I was cautious to accept, Lady Tyrin doesn't have the best reputation, servants rarely last a whole year with her.

But it was getting close to winter, and I was desperate, so I accepted. Said lady is currently sitting in her chair behind her desk, marking papers. She doesn't spare me a glance, for that I'm thankful. I've been a servant for the Tyrin household for about a year and a half now.

Long enough to learn the rules that are there but never said out loud. And one of those rules is to Never. Bother. Lady. Tyrin. Not that it matters now. My mentor, Gabriel, taught me everything he knew.

Gabriel used to work for the king of the neutral nation, before he retired and came here, at least, that's what he said, but I'm positive that there is more to the story. He never told me what he used to do, but I knew he wasn't a servant. No servant would have as much knowledge on different poisons as Gabriel.

I've always wondered why he chose to come here as a servant and when I asked him about it he always answered with the same thing,

"Because, servants are always overlooked and can get away with a lot more than most, especially in a household that doesn't care about them."

I have to agree. I'm not sure what I will do with this knowledge, but I have a feeling it will come in handy in the near future. What with me planning on leaving the Dark Nation. Before the only thing keeping me here was Gabriel. But he died about a week ago. Now there's nothing. I plan to leave in the night, when everyones asleep. I've already packed my bag with the essentials and hidden it in my room. Now I just have to wait for nightfall.


Knife, check. dagger, check. money, check. food, check. water, check. extra clothes, check.
Nightfall came about 2 hours ago. Everyone's asleep except the night guards, but they shouldn't be too hard to pass.

If I had a window I would go through it, but I don't, so instead I'm gonna go through the servants entrance/exit, by the kitchen. That particular entrance/exit leads to the garbage dumps, just behind the castle, the only ones who use it are the servants who take out the trash. Therefore, there are rarely, if any, guards posted there.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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