Chapter 15 - Mission: Fun

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He didn't respond, too distracted with his task. I rolled my eyes in exasperation. "You know, it would be a lot easier if you just dove in. The ol' snatch and grab," I pointed out, swiping at the air in demonstration.

His ear flicked dismissively. *That's not an option.* He stated firmly, creeping closer to the edge of the rock.

"You can't be afraid of the water forever, bud," I sighed.

*Do I look like a Tidal Class dragon to you?* He retorted, still not looking up.

"You know that has nothing to do with it," I argued. He was silent. "I'm just saying...I thought you were supposed to be the big, bad Night Fury," I pressed, trying to appeal to his ego. More silence. "What if we're on a mission one day and we get shot down into the ocean, huh? I don't need you freaking out and getting us killed!" I reasoned. That caught his attention, and his wide eyes shot up to meet mine. He abandoned his hunt and jumped down to the sandy beach, padding over with a defeated posture.

*Well, when you put it like that...* He mumbled, slowing to a stop in front of me. I held out my hand, and he immediately pressed his snout into my palm.

*I just wanna help you, bud. You'll see! With a little bit of practice, you'll be a great swimmer!* I reassured him. He still appeared unconvinced, but I knew he'd do anything if it meant protecting me.

*Swimming so easy you see you see just kick and flap easy!* Perch chimed in. He was trying to be helpful, but Toothless swatted at him in irritation, sending the little dragon flying away with an indignant screech. *Stupid big dragon mean me not like you no like no!* He spat, his angry voice fading the farther away he flew.

I glared at Toothless, tossing the book and my pencil to the side. *Well, thank you for that!* I grumbled. He chuffed in amusement, walking up and curling around me. I leaned against him, grateful to have a backrest.

*He'll come back later.* He snorted, shifting to find a comfortable position. *I don't get what's so important about this book thing anyway.* He added.

I raised an eyebrow, pushing at his head in irritation, though it only moved an inch. *It's just a way to keep track of all the species. Humans don't have perfect memories, you know.* I reminded him.

*Just another thing that makes humans so strange.* He mused.

I bared my teeth at him. *At least I'm not afraid of the water!* A tail fin to the face was the only response I received. I huffed, leaning my head back against his shoulder. Most of the dragons, including Alpha, were gone for feeding time, but there were a few that lingered behind. I noticed a pair of Spike-tails on a cliff across the lake circling around each other. They were performing a mating ritual, which always started with a lot of head bobbing and bird-like dancing before a chase in the air ensued. If the male couldn't catch the female, he was considered unworthy. It was pretty interesting to watch.

I nudged Toothless lightly, nodding up at the two dragons. He followed my gaze, but didn't seem interested at all. *When are you gonna get a mate?* I wondered. He was a mature dragon, after all.

He looked around dramatically, even lifting his wing to glance under it. *Is there a female Night-wing around here that I don't know about?* He teased sarcastically, and I slapped him lightly, crossing my arms.

*Come on! I'm serious!* I whined.

Toothless let out a deep breath, nosing at my arm until I reluctantly pet him between the ears. *I don't think I'll ever have one, Hiccup. I wouldn't even know where I would begin to look for a female.* He remarked. His tone wasn't upset. He was just acknowledging the truth of the matter.

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