Chapter 11 - Over The Edge

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A/N: If you thought this story would be lollipops and rainbows the whole time, think again. Because I have other plans. I've changed the rating of my story with the release of this chapter. Have fun reading :))

CHSHiccstrid, Tim2060, Yohana, roribays1 - Thank you so much for the reviews! All of you are so nice!

roribays1 - Starting with Chapter 10, Hiccup is 7 years old. And I know you and a lot of others are probably dying to know what's been going on with Berk all this time (I know I would be if I was a reader), but there's actually a reason I haven't shown a preview of anything outside the nest. I wanted to take all of you with Valka and Hiccup on their journey, and part of that includes being just as clueless as they are as to what Berk is going through. I'm not planning on doing the "reader is omniscient even though the characters aren't" thing...not yet, anyway. But eventually, I will put in flashbacks to fill in the Berkian blanks :)

Disclaimer: Go away, HTTYD, I don't want you anymore...What do you mean "I was never yours"? I protest, sir!


Hiccup dropped to the floor with a soft thud, then rose slowly to his feet. He couldn't see anything, so he stuck out his hands to feel around. He moved to his right until his hands hit the wood lining of the ship, then walked forwards carefully. For the first few steps, all he felt was empty air. A bit farther along, his foot hit something solid, and he paused. Before he could reach down to investigate, a panicked chirp caught his attention.

*Help I'm trapped bad humans trapped me please let me out let me out I'm scared help me!* A high-pitched voice squeaked out in a rush, and Hiccup recognized it to be a Tiny-wing—Terrible Terror as his mother liked to call them. Without thinking, he sidestepped the object in his path and ran towards the direction the voice had come from, wanting to help the little dragon. Unfortunately, he barely got two steps before he tripped over a large lump on the ground. His momentum sent him flying forward, and he crashed onto the floor with a yelp.

A deep, unfamiliar groan made Hiccup freeze with fear. What...was...that?...There was a loud shuffling behind him, then dim light suddenly filled the space. "What the hell? Who are you?" A strange voice exclaimed. Hiccup flipped over, his eyes widening in shock when he saw a large human glaring down at him. It was a boy—no, man. A full grown man, with big muscles and hair on his face and a malicious sneer planted on his lips.

Hiccup flinched when more shuffling ensued all around him as more men were awoken by the commotion, and suddenly the small boy was surrounded. His chest rose and fell rapidly as his terrified gaze flitted between them. His limbs refused to move, and even if he could, there was nowhere to go. He was trapped, just like the Tiny-wing he'd heard a few seconds earlier.

"It's just a kid!" One of them noted with surprise.

"What the hell's some kid doin' on this random ass hunk o' rock?" Another grunted irritably.

"You think there's a village 'ere?" The man directly behind Hiccup wondered, scratching his chin.

"I don't know. How 'bout we ask 'im, yeah?" The first man retorted, then bent down in front of the frightened boy. Hiccup gulped, digging his nails into the wooden floorboards. "Where you from, kid? You got a village 'round these parts?" The man questioned. Hiccup was silent, unable to think straight let alone speak. He didn't like their voices. They were rough and loud and grated on his nerves. He wanted his mother's soothing tone, her comforting presence. The man continued, agitation seeping through his next words. "Ya see, kid. It's been a long couple days." He sniffed harshly, gesturing lazily at his companions. "Me an' my friends 'ere got stuck in a storm. Damn thing wrecked our ship and stranded us on this beach. So, uh, when I ask you a question, I'd really 'preciate an answer." He finished, tapping Hiccup's foot roughly.

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