Twenty Six - Trinette

Comenzar desde el principio

(And why not? Look I'm not trying to start an argument here, but my wife has asked to see that girl without you two present. here is my number, call us when you're ready to discuss this like gentlemen and not cavemen.)

"Are you okay?" She asked as she suddenly caught my face, I was attempting to take any breaths I could,  Trying to calm myself. I know I'm safe. I'm safe here, I'm safe in this car, I'm safe with them. The minimal air I was gathering was making me lightheaded

I tried to speak but I choked up, Ryan climbed from the front seat to mine, swearing under his breath as he took me in but it only made me more panicked. I was beginning to feel incredibly light-headed

"I'll be waiting for the call. I hope she feels better soon" she called before leaving. What call? Why are they going to call her? What did they talk about? The anxiety was killing me

As Ryan shifted me to his lap I froze up at his contact, my whole body went tense and it got even harder to breathe. My eyes closed as his hands switched between rubbing my arms, stroking my hair as he was muttering kind words and in his attempt to calm me. I was no longer in the car and was no longer in control of myself.


Two men were having a conversation in the same room that I was in, both watching me whilst smoking their cigarettes. I couldn't understand them, they were speaking in a different language, and laughing

The floor was cold and I felt a damp spot on the ground from the leak as I shifted position as best I could. I'm freezing.

Both men were laughing with each other, obviously at the expense of me but I couldn't figure out what they were saying about me.

It wasn't long until one of the men rapidly pulled me up with a bruising grip to my upper arm, causing me to wince and stumble. The cuffs on my ankles made it hard to steady myself due to the weight and position of them, and the floor was hard and sharp meaning my feet tried to get away from the floor - leading to more pain when I couldn't.

I haven't lost my fight yet. I still have hope that someone will find me. Any of the guys? London maybe? Amadeo? Anyone? I've only been here a short while and I hope I'm not here longer than needed. Will anyone even care that I'm gone?

Every day is the same. It's grating and painful and I don't know how much fight I have left, but I'm going to make it through. I've vowed to myself that I'll never stop fighting. I won't be here longer than needed. I'm trying to figure out my own escape, but it's difficult with the injections they give me - even when I'm not on them, I can't focus. I'll try my best, but my only hope is on the outside.

The men started to mock me, as the one who had my upper arm in his hand started to touch me, he gently stroked my hair, softly whispering the words of what he would do with me into my ear, stroking my cheek, before his hands were replaced with his lips

The other men cheered him on whilst making fun of me. I hadn't been given an injection in two days, I don't know where Ralph is, or why my dad has stopped them when he's been so insistent to this point. Why is he even doing this to me? He's my own dad he should be caring for me. He's the only family I have. He's the only thing I have. I don't understand.

When another man came up behind me and put his arms on me, I slammed my head back before twisted my arm suddenly, breaking the grip he had on me, before elbowing him in the nose as his friends started to come towards me. I fought as hard as I physically could, biting, scratching, kicking. I was not about to let these men get what they want without a fight. I felt a needle stab into me and yelled out for ralph, assuming it was him, before I drifted off - I couldn't fight the sedative. And I went unconscious, knowing that they'd get what they wanted and I wouldn't be able to fight them. 


I woke up to a throbbing pain in the back of my head, and my stomach, arms, hands and feet were all hurting like hell. I took a moment to open my eyes, using my other senses first to ensure it was safe to wake up because I wasn't recognising the scent of the room - it took me a moment to realise where I was, alone in my old bedroom in the guys house with the curtains shut.

The door opened a smidge, revealing James walking in. He had Teds in his hands and was being followed by Dandelion and his dog - Rolo. It took a second for him to notice I was awake and when he eventually did, he came straight over after plonking Teds down on the end of the bed.

"Baby? Are you okay?" He asked softly as Teds came over to me so he could snuggle on my lap and both dogs got onto the bed

I went to answer his question but I couldn't. I didn't know how to answer. I shrugged instead, hoping that was sufficient enough.

"You had an episode, Trins, please, I need to know you're okay?" He spoke softly and again, I shrugged

"My head hurts, so do my Feet, Hands, Stomach and Arms. Everything" I groaned, and he did a double take at me before sighing

"Yea, they will do for a little big" he smiled sympathetically, his voice held sadness and I looked to him for an explanation but he didn't offer any. Hmph

"Where are Ryan and Liam? I need to speak with them" I told him as I stroked the fat ginger cat who had made his way onto my lap, his tail rested over dandelions side as she watched the orange being.

"They're with Oliver" he told me and I sighed. Of course they're not with me.

"Baby? Who is Ralph?" James asked me carefully and I looked to him

How does he know Ralph?

"How do you know Ralph?" I asked cautiously, I'm still anxious about James - I know he won't hurt me but I'm still anxious.

"Liam said you yelled that name when you were having the....episode" he admitted, sounding unsure of what to call it.

"Ralph....Ralph was the doctor there....he was the one who would inject me with the drugs. I hope he's okay, I don't want him to get in trouble with William" I mumbled the last part more to myself but judging by the way James looked at me, he still caught it.

"Why? He put you through hell?! He took an active part in your kidnapping. He deserves all the suffering that comes to him" He asked in shock and I shook my head.

"No he doesn't. He made my life a whole lot more bearable while I was there with the drugs, and even then, I think he was there against his will. The corner of the room he worked in had a photo with him and three blacked out people, two children and a pregnant woman. He didn't want to be there. It wasn't his fault" I explained and James sighed before nodding, not continuing that train any longer and instead asking more about Ralph and I was happy to share until I felt sick.

Posted: 01.01.24

Hey guys! double update to kick off the new year!

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