Chapter 3

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My fingers caress my bottom lip, still warm from when Emma kissed me. I knew it meant something. I felt it...wait...what if this is one of pan's games to get me to Neverland, making Emma pretend to still care? I reach over and swipe the paper from the metal clutches of the typewriter. I'm being crazy, Emma wouldn't lie to me. It did mean something.

The creaky floorboards of the deck growl as I stomp down to the dock and up the street. I need to get to Neverland. I need his help. As the bell chimes, the crocodile looks up from his reading and nods his head towards me.

"Killian. I wasn't expecting you...well...ever! What brings you here?"

"I think you know what..." However, the look on his face tells me otherwise, "Crocodile, I need your help getting me to Neverland."

"And why should I help you of all people?" He smirks and turns to pick up his book. I lean over the glass case and pull him up by his collar so that our foreheads are almost touching.

"Gold, you are going to help me, because your father is holding Emma captive. I don't know how the bloody hell  that demon is alive, but he has a plan. Peter Pan always has a plan..."

His face looses colour and he struggles to escape my grip. Not a chance.

"How on Earth, pirate, do you know this..?"

I dig through my pocket and pull out the neatly folded message. Some of the ink leaked onto the other side as it's still wet. Rumplestiltskin scans the note and hands it back to me.

"So what can I do to help?" He begrudgingly asks.

"I need a magic bean. If we have one, we can sail The Jolly Roger through the portal into Neverland. Then we can save Emma and rid of Pan once and for all!"

"How exactly are we going to obtain this object?"

"You're the bloody dark one, you do some..." Oh...right...

"Call me when you find a bean. Until then, stop wasting my time." He shoos me away and slams the door shut behind me. I reach into my pocket again to read the note once more, just for some comfort. Wait!! What's that?!

Scrawled in the bottom left corner is a message.

I couldn't say this in the shop because Pan might hear. He will have eyes in Storybrooke. He has eyes everywhere. Emma will have most probably left a bean on the ship. It might be near where you found the note?

Mr Gold


All right Pan, let's play. 

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