The band's beginning/Newmans arrival

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The band's beginning/Newmans arrival

It's august in peaceville and the team are getting ready to meet a Corey's house for the song-writing songs to play as their debut for their first gig. 

Kim Sang-mi: Hey mom, I'm gonna go to Corey's house. it's fine my daughter have fun.

Kim Sang-mi: okay mom, I'll see you later.

Mrs. Kim: stay safe my dear.

Kim Sang-mi: *goes in her car and drove to Corey's house*

Corey: *At the garage* hey sang, you're here.

Kim Sang-mi: yeah got on my car to get here.

Corey: let's wait for the rest to get here.

Later on the rest of the group came, Laney & the Kujira twins arrived at Corey's house.

Laney: what's up cor, and hey Sang.

Kim Sang-mi: hey Laney.

Kin Kujira: what are we doing today.

Corey: so today we're going to figure out who will take each position.

Laney: I got it, I'll be manager, while Corey is the leader, meanwhile Sang-mi is the visual and vocals, kin along with me and Corey are bassists and Kon is the drummer.

Corey, Sang-mi, Kin, and Kon: LANEY THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!!

Kim Sang-mi: *holds a cup * Everyone give it up to Laney Penn.

Meanwhile with the Newmans-

Carrie: *heads to her garage and pulls out her phone and calls the crew*

Larry nepp: *got in his bike and heads to Carrie's house* hey Carrie.

Carrie: are they coming?

Larry nepp: Yes they are.

The kagami twins: were here, Boss.

Carrie: We know why we're here, Right?!

The kagami twins: no.

Larry nepp: yes.

Carrie: we're here to plan to destroy the garbage band amd come in top for a gig.

The Newmans: *talking about to destroy grojband*

With grojband-

Corey: we all know why we're here, correct?

The crew: yes we are here to destroy the Newmans and come on top.

A knock was heard from the garage door.

Corey: Sang, hide.

Kim Sang-mi hid in a closet in the garage.

Here comes the Newmans to the grojband HQ.

Carrie: ugh grojband The lamest band.

Corey and the four other members: *looks angry and aggressive at the Newmans*

Corey: hello, lamemans🙄.

Carrie: we'll beat you and be on top of you little babies.

Corey Riffin, Laney Penn, Kin Kujira, and Kon Kujira: HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO SAY THAT WE'RE NOT BABIES!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬

Carrie: yeah yeah, I'll believe that once I see how you will defeat us.

Corey: we'll defeat you lamemans with our new secret weapon will rock you socks off literally.

Carrie: we'll Find out about that, Babyband. Newmans, roll out.

The newmans disappears.

Corey: Sang, you can come out of the closet.

*Sang-mi came out of the garage closet*

Kim Sang-mi: Core, Who are they?!

Corey: They are the Newmans, our rivals so we're going to train you to be our secret powerhouse weapon for our gigs. Are you down for it?

Kim Sang-mi: obviously I'm down for it, Core.

Laney Penn: okay then, sang-mi let's get started.

So from that moment forward, Corey and the members trained their secret weapon that will be a Powerhouse to the band to beat the Newmans in a gig.

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