vi. sapphire

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─────────────────chapter four:sapphire─────────────────

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chapter four:

Daenerys watched as the sky dulled in color while pondering about the words of wisdom her 'mother and father' shared.

She clutched onto her heart feeling a sudden dull ache that came and went more often than not. All the stress and pressure did not seem to help the aches. Dany could only suppose it was only her mind playing tricks. Nothing else could be, seeing as she was healthy as a horse according to the maesters.

Sighing, Daenerys decided a walk out in the castle yard could do her some good. A bit of fresh air never disappointed her. Handmaids paused on their way to her chambers upon seeing the new princess wondering about. "Ma'am — I mean princess, forgive me," A small voice spoke with a quick curtsy before continuing, "We were told to have your bath ready for you."

"Yes, keep the water warm for me, I shan't be long," Dany gave the timid maid a smile that she anxiously returned with another curtsy. "As you wish princess."

Scurrying with the pails of steaming water, the maid went back down to the kitchens where the water was boiled. Dany couldn't say she was used to interacting with such timid and jittery maids before. In her time, maids that tended her were never frightened. Though, from the small talk she picked up around the castle, Daemon's presence always shook King's Landing. Dany tried to remember all of the stories her brother, Viserys, would tell her of Daemon Targaryen as she continued her stroll. She could only recall bits and pieces seeing how short lived Viserys' kindness was.

Before selling their mother's crown and being called the 'beggar king', Viserys had been kind to her. Told her endless tales of his favorite Targaryen's and adventures he wished to have. Dany always found herself woefully missing those sweet times. It created an empty void within her. The man Viserys later became deserved death. He abused, raped, took, and belittled whoever he pleased — even his own sister. But, it was the innocent and kind boy that she mourned for.

The very boy who always made sure his sister was fed before he could even eat, no matter how starved he was. The boy that vowed to defend and protect his sister until his very last breath. The boy that sold his mother's crown just to make enough coin to provide his sister's needs. The boy that never asked for anything in return. The boy that loved her with all of his being. That was the brother she dearly mourned.

Thoughts of her late brother was put to a halt upon hearing metal clank against metal. Peering from the balcony, she watched as Aemond sparred with Ser Criston Cole. They circled each other waited for the other to make another move. It seemed with the hour being late there wasn't the usual group of onlookers — aside from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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