iv. the trial

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─────────────────chapter four:the trial─────────────────

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chapter four:
the trial

Alicent was not inclined to the castles new guest.

Though, whatever happened in that throne room after everyone made their exit, has left the king in shambles. Speaking about incoherent prophecies and omens. He went as far as demanding their guest be treated with the utmost importance. She was practically being waited on hand and foot — as if she were the king herself.

Alicent would have thought nothing of the matter considering her husband's condition as of late. But, what drew her suspicion was the behavior of Rhaenyra and Daemon. The heir had been pacing about the castle nearly all day, wringing her hands together often. Daemon seemed more on edge than he usually was. Their strange behavior made the queen want answers. She had to find out what happened in that throne room. More so, Alicent felt a desperate need to keep their guest near at all times. It was like her father always advised, 'always be a step ahead of your enemies.' If that meant keeping the girl close she'd do so without question.

"You sent for me, mother?" Aemond stood tall with his hands cupped behind his back. Alicent chewed lightly at her bottom lip while furrowing her brows at the fireplace. "Your Grace?" Ser Criston gently placed a hand on his queen's shoulder. She immediately sat straighter and cleared her throat.

"Aemond," She intoned gathering her skits and standing before her son, grabbing ahold of his arms. He gazed into her hazel green eyes sensing the distress radiating from her body. "What do you need?" He found himself uttering without further musing. The duty in his tone carried through Alicent's chambers, ringing like a sweet melody she desperately required. "It is essential you keep your attentions on our new...guest," She murmured never losing eye contact with him. "Upon order of the king, this Daenerys, shall pick amongst the finest knights your Grandsire has gathered on short notice. You must guide her to choose your uncle, Gwayne." Alicent's eyes were in a frenzy ensuring her son knew exactly what was to be done.

Aemond nodded slowly.

"I shall not disappoint you, mother."

. . .

Cole accompanied the one-eye prince as they went up to Daenerys' quarters. "So, which rumor are you most inclined towards?" Aemond pondered as they trailed up the steep staircase to the upper wing. Cole let out a wry chuckle. "I would not put it past your uncle to have spawned a bastard. What do you believe true my prince?" The knight raised an inquisitive brow. He watched the prince's lips turn downwards as he shrugged the matter away. "Mayhaps a long lost sister. Though even that appears far fetched. My father is not known for his handsome face. The realm knows it was my mother who brought her beauty back into the Targaryen line. 'Less my father paid a pretty coin for a very very pretty whore."

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