Chapter 12

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September 18 2002

John is sitting in the WWE conference room with other WWE wrestlers for the weekly mandatory meeting with Vince and Stephanie.

John hasn't spoken to Stephanie much since the incident with Paul. The only times they spoke was during meetings, which there was barely any conversation.

He would try his best to pay attention to important stuff but he couldn't help but take quick glances at her beautiful face. Seeing her always takes his breath away.

He's been avoiding Paul, not wanting to cause any more problems with him.

He feels ashamed for what happened. Even though it really wasn't his fault, he felt he embarrassed not just Stephanie, but Vince as well.

He considered himself lucky that he got off scott free. But he knows he can't be getting into trouble again. And he knows he can't rely on Stephanie to have his back again. Next time he can get suspended. Or worse. Fired.

Meanwhile Stephanie felt a bit sad about John. He stopped calling her. They rarely speak to each other. She wonders if it has something to do with what happened about a month ago.

After the meeting was over the wrestlers we're leaving. As John got to the door he heard Stephanie saying "Mr Cena. Could you stay? I need to discuss some things with you."

He felt a bit nervous, not wanting to be in a room with her, but he knew he couldn't say no to a McMahon.

"Yes ma'am."

Then Vince was whispering something to his daughter.

"It's nothing dad. Just need to discuss business."

After Vince left Stephanie shuts the door. "Please have a seat."

John simply nodded and sat down on a chair.

"So what did you want to talk Miss McMahon?" he asked.

"John. You can call me Stephanie. We're friends. We are still friends. Right?" she asked, sounding a bit sad.

John was a bit shocked and confused.

"Yes. Why are you asking?"

"We haven't really spoken. You haven't been calling me. I'm can't help but wonder if you're upset with me with something."

John's eyes went wide. "What? Of course not. I can never be mad at you."

"Then how come you've been distant from me lately?"

John let's out a low groan, feeling a bit guilty.

"I've been giving you space because I thought you and your dad were upset with me about what happened last month, and that accidental kiss I didn't want to embarrass you and your family again."

Then Stephanie grabbed John's hand and held it in between hers. Her hands felt really soft and warm on his.

"John look at me." He looked up at her eyes, and he could see the sparkle in her eyes, and admire her beauty for a brief second before snapping out of it.

"Stop blaming yourself John. What happened last month wasn't your fault. Paul has been known to do that type of stuff. And forget about that kiss."

They looked into each other's eyes, and they felt a spark.

Stephanie started to rub the top of John's hand with her own, but then stopped what she was doing and let go of John's hand, snapping herself out of her trance.

John snapped out of his thoughts too.

"Sorry John. I was just-"

"No. It's okay. Let's just forget that stuff happened."

Stephanie just nodded.

"Okay. That is all John."

"Okay. I see you later."

John got up to leave. But when he got to the door, Stephanie says "Hey John."

John stopped and turned around. "Yes Stephanie."

"Do you want to go out tomorrow night?" she asked boldly.

John was taken aback by her question.

"Really?" he asked.

He then felt his heart flutter when he saw that gorgeous smile appear on her face. "Yes."

A part of him seemed really excited, but the reasonable and respectful side of his kicked in.

"Are you sure? I mean wouldn't it feel awkward to be around another wrestler that wasn't your boyfriend?"

She let out a little giggle, which made his heart flutter a bit faster.

"John. You went with me to Nancy's wedding. How is this any different?"

"Well, when you asked me to go with you to Nancy's wedding, I wasn't an official WWE wrestler yet. And you weren't my boss. But now I am a WWE wrestler. And you are my boss."

"John. Don't think of me as your boss. Just think of me as just a woman. Just a friend." She says.

John thought about it for a moment.

"Sure. I'd like to go out with you."

Her smile widened a bit. She reframed herself from showing some excitement.

"Good. How does seven sound?"

John simply nodded.

"Good. Now I should get back to work. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. See you later."

As soon as John left, she sat down on her chair, letting out a deep breath.

His dimple smile made her heart melt.

And that broad chest of his. She started to get hot and bothered before she snapped herself back to reality.

Stop it! She thought to herself. She can't be getting aroused by another wrestler.

She really needs to focus on her job.

There was chapter 12. Sorry it took way longer than it should've to work on.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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