Chapter 2

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The second chapter takes place in October of 2001.

So yeah. The first set of chapters will take place in 2001 and early 2002, when it was still the WWF, before they were forced to changed it to WWE.

Anywho... On with the chapter.

John Cena is warming up for his match against Leviathan, aka Dave Bautista.

He and Dave are good friends, but are always competitive. Always trying to one up each other.

But his keeps drifting off to a certain someone.

Ever since he met Stephanie McMahon he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her.

Just seeing her beautiful face in person made him melt.

He hasn't seen her since they met at the bar.

He still hasn't tried to call the number she gave him.

Whether it's because he's been very busy with a bunch of things, or that he didn't know what they could talk about.

Plus he's afraid he'll say something that might make her upset.

Not only would it ruin his lifelong dream of making the WWF, but also he would lose his friendship with Stephanie.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

He got up and opened the door to see Dave.

He smiled. "Hey Dave." he says.

"Hey John." Dave replied.

"You ready to get your ass kicked?" Dave asked with a grin.

"Yeah. I'm ready to kick your ass."

John then gives Dave a light jab on the shoulder.

"Oh I would like to see you try."

Then they share a laugh.

"You ready to put on a show for the fans?"

"Yeah. I'm ready bro. Let's do this."

Fast-forward after the match

John is in the trainer's room holding a pack of ice on his shoulder.

He landed on it awkwardly when he tried to hit Dave with a diving shoulder off the top rope.

But Dave moved out the way.

It hurt like hell. But thankfully it wasn't anything serious.

After getting it checked and bandaged he left the arena and went back to his apartment.

After eating some leftover Chinese food he turned on the TV, but couldn't find anything good to watch.

He then finds the card with Stephanie's number.

After several minutes of debating he dialed in the number.

He waited until he hears her voice.


"Hey Stephanie."

"John? Is that you?" she asked, hoping it was him.

"Yes. It's John."

"Oh hey John! I was wondering when you would call." she admitted.

John was surprised. "Really?" he wondered, feeling a bit flattered.

"Yeah. I mean I figured you'd want to talk to me when I gave you my number."

He lets out a sigh. "Sorry. I been meaning to. But..." he was wondering what he should tell her.

"But what?"

He decided to be honest.

"I was kinda scared."

"Of what?" she asked.

"Of speaking to you on the phone."

He heard her giggle. "Really? You, John Cena, scared?"

"Well. It's just, I didn't't know what I would say to a beautiful lady like you. Without sounding like a complete douche."

"You really think I'm beautiful John?"

He took a deep breath. "Of course you are Stephanie. Only an idiot would find you not beautiful."

On the other end Stephanie could feel that fuzzy feeling all over her entire body again.

Wow! John actually thinks I'm beautiful.

They chatted for nearly an hour.

She got to learn about John's family and that he played football in high school.

"It's getting late. I should get some sleep."

"Wait. Before you hang up, I have a favor to ask."

"Okay. What is it?"

"An old high school friend of mine is getting married. Her name is Nancy. The wedding is in Manhattan in a month." Stephanie McMahon explained.


"Paul was supposed to go with me, but he's still rehabbing his left leg."

John's couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Are you asking me to attend Nancy's wedding with you as your Plus One?"


"It would be an honor to go with you."

"Thank you you so much John. I promise we'll have lots of fun." Stephanie assured.

"Good. I'm looking forward to it." he says before adding "To attend the wedding with you I mean."

"That's great. Well I will see you then."

"Okay then. Well goodnight Stephanie."

"Yeah. Goodnight John."

After hanging up.

John is sitting on his bed, trying to process everything that has happened.

"Stephanie McMahon invited me to go to a wedding with her." he says to herself.

"I've got to get me a tux."

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