Chapter 10

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Sorry that it's been awhile since I last worked on this.

Anyways this is kind of an continuation of the last chapter.

Stephanie was waiting nervously as she watched the head doctor examine John's face.

"How bad is it Doctor?" Stephanie asked.

"Thankfully nothing's broken. Though he may have a minor concussion." The Doctor explained.

Stephanie groaned as he puts her face in her hands.

"I'm going to have a long talk with Paul. This type of behavior is unacceptable." she says to herself.

"I suggest you rest for a few days. No training or workouts." The doctor instructed. John just nodded.

After John was patched up he was given the okay to leave.

Stephanie escorted John outside the arena. "I'm really sorry for what Paul did to you John. I can't believe he would do something like that."

"You shouldn't have to apologize for anything Steph." John says.

"Why don't I give you a ride back to where you're staying at?"

"You don't have to. I can just call a cab." John says.

Stephanie smiled. "No. It's okay. It's the very least I can do for you."

John just shrugged his shoulders. "All right. Let's go then."

They get into her car and they drove off.

As she drove she looks at John, who is holding an ice pack to his face with his right hand. His left hand was resting on the arm rest.

She reached out with her right hand and gently grabbed his left hand. She kept her other hand on the wheel.

She even rubbed his hand with her thumb. She could feel the butterflies swarming in her stomach as she held his hand.

He felt her softly grabbing his hand.

He looked over to see her face. Their eyes connected and she immediately smile, which made his heart melt. He briefly smiled back.

He didn't try anything else, not wanting to ruin the moment.


She arrived at the hotel John was staying at. She walked John over to his room.

"You know I'm going to have to report this to my dad." Stephanie says.

"He punched me. I didn't fight back."

"I know. And I'll deal with it. You just work on feeling better."


"Well. I better go."

she says before she quickly went back to her car and drove away.

He stood there a bit dazed, touching his mouth. He knew it was an accident, but it still felt nice feeling her lips on his.

He immediately shook himself out of his dreamy state. He was starting to get a bit tired. So he went into his hotel room and went to bed.


Stephanie was trying to calm down her pounding heart as she drove.

She kissed John Cena! On the mouth! She didn't mean to kiss him on the mouth. She meant to go for the cheek. But he turned his head at the very last second.

She had mixed feelings. She felt guilty that it happened. But then she tried to convince herself that it was no big deal, that it was just an accidental kiss. Which felt kind of good. She kind of liked the feeling of her lips on his. Even if it was just for a split second.

He shook those feelings away. It had been a long night. She just needs a goodnight sleep.

The next chapter Stephanie will confront Paul.

A Cena-McMahon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now