Chapter 1

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The first chapter takes place in August of 2001, during the Invasion angle (which was kind of a let down IMO), when the promotion was still called the World Wrestling Federation (or WWF for short) during that time. So I'm going to be saying WWF in this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

John Cena is at a bar relaxing with his buddy Randy Orton. He's not drinking too much of course.

He's been in Ohio Valley Wrestling (or OVW for short) for a year.

He's trying to keep himself in shape and healthy.

Because one day he's going to be called up to the World Wrestling Federation, and he needs to be in his best shape when that time comes.

He was just chilling when he felt Randy tapping his shoulder. "Hey. Check out who's over there."

John looks over to see a beautiful brunette woman sitting by herself.

She turned her head, and John's jaw when he saw who it was.

It was none other than Stephanie Marie McMahon.

The woman John's had a crush on since he first saw her on TV in 1999.

She's mostly known for being the on screen wife of Triple H, who is portrayed by Paul Levesque. But Paul has been out with a leg injury the past few months.

There have been rumors that they're actually dating in real life, but he tries not to engage in the rumor mill.

She's is amazingly beautiful. Her hair, eyes, lips, and her amazing body.

But the one thing he couldn't help but admire were her legs.

Her long, smooth, sexy legs.

He always get a kick whenever he watches her coming down the ramp wearing those short skirts and dresses.

He immediately shook those perverted thoughts away.

He didn't want people to see him come off as a creepy pedo.

"Why don't you go over there and talk to her?" Randy asked.

John was a bit worried. "I don't know man. I don't want her to think I'm trying to hook up with her. Plus I don't know what to say."

Randy grinned. "Don't tell me the big, strong, and unstoppable Prototype, John Cena, is scared." he teased.

John glared at Randy.

"I'm not scared. I just don't want to do anything that could jeopardize my chances of getting into the WWF."

Randy placed a hand on John's shoulder.

"Come on John. Just go walk over to her and talk to her."

John thought about it for a few moments.

"Okay Randy. I'll go at least say something." John replied.

Then he added "I'm just going to say hi to her, ask her how her day was, and that's it. I'm not going to try and get all fancy with her."

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