chapter seventeen

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" let's leave it to all might! Mr. aizawa's permission to fight has been revoked. " aoyama told them " aoyama is right. I always end up being saved, so I really can't speak. " tokoyami said agreeing with aoyama

                        TO BE CONTINUED


" talking "
' thinking '
- talking from a screen -


" but... " kirishima was about to protest " everyone's shocked bakugo and y/n got kidnapped. but we need to think things through. even if you think it's the right thing to do, if you decide to fight and break the rules again, you'll be just like the villains. " asui told them and there was a long silence

but suddenly someone knocked on the door " sorry for interrupting, but it's time for midoriya to be examined. " the doctor said " let's go. I want to see how jirou and hagakure are doing, too. " sero said and everyone except shoto and kirishima started to leave after saying goodbye to midoriya

" I spoke to yaoyorozu yesterday. If we must act, we must do it tonight. " shoto told izuku and Iida suddenly stopped at the door " I don't know if you'll be able to move with those injuries, but I'm inviting you anyway, I think you're the one who is the most frustrated. we'll be waiting for you tonight, in front of the hospital. " kirishima told him and Iida walked off without them knowing



" while you were unconscious, recovery girl did some strong healing, so you should be able move them, but... you were really messed up. you've suffered a lot of injuries in a short amount of time, but frankly, this time was different. " the doctor told izuku, while izuku was looking at his healed arms that had a lot of scars

" different how? " izuku questioned " I've got a copy of your medical records, and all the previous times, your bones broke like a cracker exploding from the inside. but this time is especially bad. usually, a body has limiters to keep it from more than 80% of it's power. but when someone faces a crisis, you can deactivate the limiters, allowing yourself to use 100% of your power.

that incredible strength that comes out in extreme situations. the limiters are there because the body can't take that kind of strain. this time, it looks like you used that power in a frenzied state, and for a very long time, as well. the bones and the muscles are in bad shape, but you're ligaments are even worse. ligaments protect the joints, and they've deteriorated badly.

that means, if you... well, If you sustain that kind of injury two or three more times, you'll lose your ability to move your arms. you need to do physically  therapy to make them heal. use them a lot, even if it hurts. we'll leave the rest to U.A., back home. you'll be discharged today. " the doctor explained and showed him an x-ray of izuku's arms and izuku was stunned about the fact that he could lose the ability to move his arms

" thank you, sorry for the trouble. " izuku said " Ms. recovery girl was pretty upset with you. you must've gotten a lot of scolding from her. but there are some who were saved by you, too. healing starts in the mind. don't worry, and look ahead. " the doctor told him and gave izuku a letter from kota

and izuku went up to the rooftop to read the letter and it said ' to Mr. midoriya. I'm sorry for punching your balls. thank you for saving me, even though you didn't know me. please, get well soon, and let me thank you in person. - kota. ' and izuku went back to his hospital room and called his mom

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