𝐬𝟒 𝐞𝐩𝟏

Start from the beginning

she huffed brushing out her hair after she was done with that she put on her lip gloss

she heard the door bell ring knowing it was kevin because of the plan.

she quickly walked downstairs seeing her dad was already at the door opening it

zoe stood right behind him seeing kevin right at the door

"um... hey mr keem" kevin Said

"Morning kevin" rakeem Said

zoe stood behind her father nervously as he moved to the side

"come on" rakeem said

kevin nodded and walked right inside


zoe stood there infront of the stoves making eggs as her dad stood there at the island behind her

"you read the paper, young man?" Rakeem asked kevin who walked into the kitchen

"nah I get my news from the shade room" kevin said

"So you didn't see the tribune this morning huh?" rakeem said

"no sir" kevin said

"Bunch of kids that look just like you, burned down a few local businesses last night" rakeem said

kevin looked at the papers on the table

"It's front page news this morning" rakeem said

"and you're bringing that up because...?" Zoe said

"because white folks are gonna read this and assume something about us that's not true" rakeem said

"who cares about what white folks think?" zoe said handing kevin his plate of breakfast

"If this kinda shit keeps happening, the Olympics will never come to Chicago" rakeem said

"dad nobody cares about the Olympics" zoe said

"I like the Olympics" kevin said

"really kevin?" Zoe said

"what?" Kevin said

"everybody likes the Olympics" rakeem said

"So that's why you're mad at those kids, for burning down the city?" kevin said

"nobody wants to come to a place where they don't feel safe" rakeem said

"And who's supposed to make us feel safe.. the police?" Zoe said

"not all police are bad" rakeem said

"Mm spoken like a true capitalist" zoe said

"oh that's right, capitalism is the root of all evil I'll remember that the next time you want me to buy you a chanel purse" rakeem said

zoe frowned as kevin chuckled


zoe huffed walking on the snow putting her book in her bag as jake and kevin appoarched her from behind

"what's wrong with you?" kevin said

"Ms Cranston thinks she woke now cause she put a Black Lives Matter sign above her door" zoe said

the three started walking as it snowed

"I'm not giving her points for that" zoe said

"she always quoting baldwin and shit" jake said

"it's so performative" zoe said

"I can't stand that bitch" jake said

"I like Ms Cranston" kevin said

"of course you do" zoe said

"what you mean by that?" Kevin said

"It would be nice if you found yourself on the right side of history every once in a while" zoe said

"why, so I can walk around with an attitude all day like you?" Kevin said

"I don't have a attitude" zoe said as she stopped walking

"yes you do" kevin said as he stopped walking

zoe tilted her head with raised eyebrows as jake stopped walking also right infront of them looking at them

"I mean everytime you walk around you're mad" kevin said

"I just wanna be with someone who I can have a intelligent debate with" zoe said

"why would I want to debate with you?" Kevin said

zoe just huffed staring at him

"I love you" kevin said

"wow!" jake scoffed

"what?" Kevin said

zoe just stared at kevin with a shooked facial expression and so did Jake

"why y'all looking at me like that?" Kevin said

"that's the first time you ever said that to me" zoe said

"man I ain't never sayin that to a bitch" jake said as he turned around and started walking

zoe and kevin stood there as they tongue kissed eachother

"okay, okay we get it y'all Inlove" jake said

zoe stopped than looked at jake so did kevin

"come on kev" jake said

kevin started walking towards him which cause zoe to squint her eyebrows

"where y'all going?" Zoe said

"uh basketball game" kevin said

"I thought you said you were coming to b.a.m.n with me" zoe said

"the fuck is b.a.m.n?" jake said

"It's some pro black group she's in" kevin said

"what does b.a.m.n stand for?" jake said

"I don't now.. um by any means necessary right?" Kevin said Looking at zoe

"zoe I swear you the whitest black person i know" jake chuckled as he walked away

"kevin you promised you would come with me." Zoe said

"I know, I know, I know I got you next time promise." kevin said

zoe didn't say anything but than kevin pecked her lips than walked away catching up with Jake

zoe stood there looking at the two walk


                                                              𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝟏𝐊𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒™️

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