𝐟 𝐨 𝐫 𝐭 𝐲 𝐧 𝐢 𝐧 𝐞

Comenzar desde el principio

"you've got to spare me baby" jimin pleaded, begging for help. "i'm going to fail"

you rolled your eyes, "fine, where do you want me to tutor you?"

a  f e w  h o u r s  l a t e r
"jimin the food court isn't a good place to teach you" you groaned, sitting in the mall food court across from him

"come on baby we've to have some fun" he nudge you, in a playful way

you gave him a look. "i'm not your girlfriend," you shook your head in disapproval from what he happened to label you as

"just open the text book" he took out his social studies textbook, slamming in onto the table

you flipped through the textbook, "what chapter are you guys on?"


you moved the pages, finding chapter eight, "world war two. okay so you—"

"this is bullshit" jimin groaned, throwing his pencil

"jimin...we haven't even started" you sighed, giving him a look

"we're at a mall for god's sake" jimin pointed out, "pack your bag, we're doing something else"

"but jimin—" he placed a finger onto yours lips, before you could speak

jimin laughed, "learn how to have fun baby"

you put his books into your bag, "jimin we should be focusing on your school"

"screw that" he grabbed onto your hand, your face turned red. "let's browse"

you sighed, noticing a familiar store ahead. "that's the prom store mina and i always talk about"

"let's go then" jimin dragged you on, taking the both of you in. "you like anything?"

"not really" your eyes lingered around, before they stopped on one item. "that dress is beautiful"

you let go of jimin's grip, approaching the dress. it was a pale blue dress, almost white. tight fitted with thin straps

"try it on" jimin took it off the rack, "come on"

"no it's okay" you denied his offer

he rolled his eyes. "just try it on!"

"fine" you shook your head, rubbing your hands up the glitter on the dresss

a lady approached the both them with a wide smile. "are you two prom dress shopping?"

"oh we're just looking" you smiled, staring back at the dress jimin held

"she wants to try this on" he handed the dress to the lady

"oh okay, follow me"

jimin tapped his foot, waiting to see your beauty. he stared at other girls in the room, shopping with their friends. he knew you were much better than them all, at this point, all jimin wants is to be your boyfriend, nothing else

"y/n you're done?" jimin asked you, knocking on the door

"yep almost, the dress isn't exactly my size so we're just pinning it" you called, letting him know

after a minutely two, the door opened. you looked at jimin who's eyes were brighten by your beauty. "wow you look so..." jimin froze, admiring you"

"so?" you asked him, looking at the mirror how the dress fit

"so pre—"

the lady came out the dressing room you both were in, interrupting jimin. "you're her boyfriend?" she raised an eyebrow

the both of you blanked, "oh no—"

"come on honey, we have suits try one on" she offered jimin, taking a suit off a rack

"uh sure?" jimin said confused, just listening to the lady

jimin went to go change, soon enough the lady approached you. "he isn't your boyfriend?"

"no, he's just a friend" you explained, taking your hair out of your bun

she laughed. "he's very handsome, you two look very good together"


you stopped in your speech, seeing jimin come out of the changing room, all dressed up. he looked so good, better than before

the sales women just smiled, taking some dresses from the room back. leaving you two alone

"jimin you forgot to button up" you fixed his suit jacket, making sure it looked clean

jimin smirked, watching you get closer to him. "i always imagine you to look this beautiful on our wedding day," he whispered into your ear

you blushed. before stepping back from him, "shut up"

"you seem to really like this dress" jimin said, changing the topic so things weren't odd between you two

you laughed, "it's really nice, just a lot of money though"

jimin nodded, not having a response to what you said. before he could say another word you excuse yourself to change. jimin nods, letting you go. he approaches the lady working before saying,

"we'll like to buy the dress"

© mxxnjoonie

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