Meeting Between Gods

Start from the beginning

"That is quite sudden and will there be any other people besides you and Hades?" Said Maliketh questioningly. "No it will actually just be the two of us but his loyal right hand man Thanatos will be present. It will be nice for you to meet someone of your standing as the right hand of a God of death." Said Izanami while conjuring a magical circle readying for their departure. "I will become your Second in command, I will represent you if you so wish to." Said Maliketh with determination, greatly pleasing the Goddess. "Glad to hear that we will deport in a second traveling to another Gods domain takes quite a while." Maliketh and Zev step inside the magical circle. Once the Magical circle was finished the three disappeared in a flash of sickly pale red light. When they were gone a Giant Blue western dragon flew down to where the three had just stood. "Damnit I missed him again." Cursed the Giant creature in a distinctly female voice.


The group appeared in front of a giant metal door with a Skull imbedded into it serving as a handle. Beyond this door was Hades the Governor of the realm bearing the same name. "We are here." Said Izanami to no one In particular before opening the door. Izanami leading them with Maliketh shortly following behind staying on her right side and Zev directly behind them still being as tall as ever. As they entered they were greeted by a large room with a large throne at the end of it. On it sat a large skeletal man dressed in a robe befitting of a priest, in his right hand was a golden scepter with a skull on the tip. On the right side of him stood a human like man with the sole exception being his black wings and a scythe with a bone for a hilt. The only article of clothing he wore was a white tunic that covered his private parts and right shoulder. He was floating slightly above the ground. Next to him sat the large three headed canine Cerberus, her being slightly shorter than Zev.

"I see you've made it." Said Hades. "Yes, and Im sorry that I made you wait, I had to pick up my second from his position to oversee my Shrine." Answered Izanami gesturing towards Maliketh who in turn made a slight bow. Even Zev lowered his head in sign of respect. "Oh, who is the large wolf behind the young Man?" Asked Hades with a questioning look(as much as a skull can show). "This is Zev the spirit of the sword that I made along time ago. It takes the form of a giant wolf  since my Second was a Wolf Yokai before turning into a Shinigami." Stated Izanami. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Hades." Said Maliketh with respect. "It is also nice to meet you Lord Thanatos." He continued. "The pleasure is mine." Said Thanatos.

"Thanatos please take young Maliketh outside, I will discus the treaty with Lady Izanami." Spoke Hades with authority. Thanatos did so and Maliketh followed him, after getting conformation from izanami. To the surprise of Hades Cerberus Followed Thanatos and walking besides Zev seemingly starting a conversation between the two.

//Outside of the Grand looking door//

"So how is it being the right hand of a god of death?" Asked Maliketh trying to spark a conversation between the two minor death gods, since they are merely wielding death rather then being the personification of death like their respective God of death of their Pantheon. (yes I know that Thanatos is the personification of death but its more for convenience) Before them were Cerberus and Zev playing with each other and seemingly talking, even though the two Seconds couldn't understand them.

"Its quite the hassle sometimes when you have to represent your superior at a meeting that they are supposed to attend." Said Thanatos. "But I think you would be more a type to solve foreign affairs since Lady Izanami seems to be having a good relationship with the rest of your Pantheon." He stated. "Well besides Lady Amaterasu your right, at least I hope you are." Said Maliketh thinking about the Sun Goddess that exiled him slightly shivering. "What role do you play in Hades?" Asked the younger death god. "Well I'm more of a general here than an actually doing the reaping, we have reapers for that. I just train the new ones and make sure that they don't take the wrong souls to Hades. It happens more often then you would think." Thanatos joked. The two enjoying the silence while watching the two Canines enjoy each others company.

After around 5 minutes Maliketh began to speak once more. "Could you give me some tips on how to be a good second?" He asked the Elder reaper. "Well try to get your name out in the world to the followers of your god they might branch off to warship you as well as a support God of Izanami. If you are worshipped you gain power from prayers and your importance in your pantheon will rise." Thanatos told Maliketh. "Take me for example I'm pretty well known in the supernatural world as a death god. That is due to my powers that I've gained from followers that worship me, in turn for their warship their souls upon death go to special place in Hades that is meant for my followers this is only able to work since Lord Hades allowed me to create such a place. Of course I need to protect it on my own and only if the attacker is attacking Hades as a whole will Lord Hades interfere." Explained Thanatos to the young Shinigami who was listening with wrapped attention to what his Elder had to say about gaining power and influence as a Second to a God. "Thank you Thanatos-san, for your tips for me." Maliketh said while bowing his head slightly.

Before Thanatos could answer the Canines in in front of the 2 began a kind of play fight, that due to their size was more of a tumble that destroyed walls and the floor of the interior of the castle that they were inside of. As the 2 went on with their scuffle Thanatos casted a silencing spell on the room where Izanami and Hades were inside to not disturb them. "The 2 are awfully lively." Remarked Maliketh while watching the fight. "Is Cerberus usually this hyperactive?" Asked Maliketh. "No She is usually very quiet, only responding when she is ordered to do something or if she can eat a soul that is rowdy." Answered Thanatos. "But I think meeting a Male is the result of here sudden hyperactive behavior." The winged Death God said. "You think something could start between the 2?" Questioned Maliketh with a skeptical look on his face. "Who knows." Said Thanatos.

The small friendly fight between the Hound of Hades and the masked Wolf of Maliketh ended with Zev standing above Cerberus being the victor of their fight. Cerberus lowering her head to the large creature as a sign of submitting to him. When to 2 had their fill of entertainment Zev walked back towards Maliketh ,who was sitting with Thanatos on a couch, and layed next to him his master. Cerberus following suit and layed next to Zev seemingly snuggling into his side the larger beast no minding and shutting its eyes to sleep.

After waiting for another hour that was filled with conversation between the 2 death gods and silent snoring from the 2 beast. The door to hades office opened and out came Izanami smiling when she saw what was occurring in front of her. "As much as I like to see you 2 are getting along quite well I need to take Maliketh and Zev with me now since we need to go over more things that regard your standing as my second." She said while Maliketh rose to his feet and stood next to her and called Zev over to the dismay of Cerberus. "Don't worry Cerberus I'm sure I can convince Hades to let Maliketh send Zev over from time to time." Said Thanatos while petting the large hounds head, soothing it with his touch. "Till we meet again young Wolf." Said Thanatos to Maliketh while waving his Goodbyes as the 3 disappeared in a flash of light. "Don't worry Cerberus you will see your potential mate soon enough." He said while standing up and entering Hades Throne room to ask him to allow Cerberus to visit Zev at Izanami's Shrine. Cerberus walking of to find a comfortable spot to sleep since her pillow left.

Sorry if this ones shorter, exams are starting to pop up and I have less time.

Till then have a damn good day:)

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