'Oh? How about a kiss then hey?' he laughed, making dramatic kissing motions towards Harry, who now looked terrified.

'No? Wow,' Louis huffed.

'I really thought we had something Styles,' Louis whispered with a sadness that Harry knew was fake, but he still felt the urge to hug him, and kiss him on the forehead. Louis smiled.

'So, you think I'm hot?'


'Harry!' Louis called out, flinching at his volume. 'My head hurts,' he mumbled. Harry slowly walked into the room, with two steaming bowls of soup, placing one on the table, and the other in Louis's hands.

'Thanks, Haz,' he smiled.

'Of course.'

'You know you don't have to do this right? You're hungover too, you deserve to rest,' Louis said. All day he'd been apologising for Harry having to take care of him, and expressing how guilty he felt.

'Oh, shut it, Lou. You're sick. I'm fine, just got a sore head, that's it. Besides, I like taking care of you anyway,' he smiled and kissed Louis on the cheek.

'So what movie should we watch?' he added.



Soon enough, Thursday rolled around and Harry was sitting on the end of his bed, asking Niall for the fourth time if his outfit was okay. Louis had texted him saying to just wear something casual, like jeans and a T-shirt.

Harry had chosen a pair of black jeans, a green sweater and a dark blue bandana that was pushing his fast-growing hair out of his face.

'Harry, mate, chill out okay? He said casual, you're wearing casual, and ya look good. And besides, he's literally in love with ya, you've got nothin' to worry about,' he said, shoving yet another handful of chips in his mouth.

The loud doorbell echoed throughout the small house, and Harry's phone dinged, with a message from Louis saying he had arrived.

'Shit, he's here Niall what do I do?' Harry rambled.

'You hang up this call, go downstairs and let Louis in,' he said, trying to calm the panicking boy.

'Fuck fuck fuck! Okay, uhm, well I'll talk to you later then,' he said slowing his breathing.

'Alright, good luck mate. Now go he's been waiting at that door for like thirty seconds already he's probably freaking out, knowing him,' Niall exclaimed, catching Harry off-guard. He picked up the phone and said another quick goodbye to Niall, before hanging up and running to the front door.

As Harry opened the door, he was met by a nervous-looking Louis, who breathed a sigh of relief. 'Hi,' he whispered. 

'Hey,' Harry replied.

'Ready to go?'

'Yeah, do you wanna come in? I need to pee real quick.'

'Uhm yeah sure, okay.' Louis said nervously, stepping into the house. He'd been there a dozen times but this time felt different. It felt like every family photo was staring him down, silently telling him what would happen if he fucked it up with Harry.

Luckily Harry's family weren't home otherwise Louis might've shit himself. Moments later Harry returned, holding a jacket over his arm. 'Ready?' he asked.

Louis nodded and led them outside, to his car. He quickly ran around and opened the door for Harry, 'M'lady,' he joked.

'Why thank you, kind sir,' Harry laughed.

Louis eventually, started the car and began the short drive to their destination. 'Wanna put on some music?' he asked, passing Harry his phone.

Harry put on a random playlist and the two sang their hearts out for the whole twenty-minute drive.


Once they were nearby, Louis realised he'd taken a few wrong turns and the map had crapped out, showing him he was close, but not there. Louis started panicking, not wanting Harry to realise he'd gotten lost. 

After a few minutes, Harry noticed the slight look of distress on Louis's face, and that it was about the fourth time they'd lapped that block. He decided not to say anything.

Louis on the other hand, was close to tears. He wasn't that lost but he was stressing out. It was their first date and he'd already f-

Was that it it?

That's it.

'Thank fuck,' he whispered, earning a small laugh from Harry. 


After a short walk from the car park, Harry and Louis crossed a hill and came across a tree, surrounded by a large sunflower field. Harry's breath caught in his throat when he saw the sight. Louis had prepared a large pink picnic blanket and a basket of food. There were also several strings of fairy lights hung among the branches of the tree, giving the place a warmer feeling.

'This is...wow,' Harry whispered, unable to find the words to describe it.

'You like it?' Louis smiled, wrapping his arm around Harry's shoulders.

'I love it,' he smiled.

'I'm glad to hear that Haz.'


A/n soz for the vomiting besties idfk know why i wrote it but i did so yassss preach sis

omg only 1 ch + epilogue leftttt (I've already written them so this is actually the last chapter for me to write...the writing timeline is fucked ik just ignore that it doesn't affect the reading dw xx

ngl kinda wanna see medicine live right at this very moment yk?

keep calm and larry on my loves 

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