Why Hello There

701 28 17

Sorry the next chapter hasn't been released yet. It's just kinda difficult to come up with ideas considering that Nine decided to be a butt and be evil. I am trying to figure out how to include the reader while not making it boring but its hard cause well, what is the reader supposed to do???? Like she chills in another world waiting for Nine to appear and be like "YAY HE HERE!!" That would be boring. I'm busy in trying to find out what to do with this novel as I have no flippin clue!!!!

Sooooo, updates will be painfully slow as my brain tries to figure stuffz out.

I could always just pretend Nine didn't betray Sonic but eh, that's lazy writing :)

Game of Survival - Nine x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang