Chapter 3 - Betrayal at it's Finest

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As more power was fed to the eggforcers, you found yourself getting served. You got hit in the back, slashed across your cheek, and punched in the side.

Crashing against a wall, you landed harshly on your bruised side. Blood dripped from your cheek, staining your fur. You heard the grunts of the others as they landed next to you. Wiping your cheek of, you stared at the red smudge on your once white glove. Painfully, you gazed over at the others who slowly got to their feet, with you following.

"We're done for," Knucks grunted, Sonic landing in front of him, "They're too powerful, too fast."

"'Too fast'? You need to learn to spin-dash, my friend." Sonic countered, determined.


"Watch and learn." As he finished talking, the hedgehog curled himself into a tight ball, and spun around at a great speed. As he built up speed, he suddenly flew forward, hitting a pack of robots in a zig zag motion. In a second, they all combusted. Confidently, Sonic landed next to Knucks. Pointing to him he spoke, "You're up. You see that bad guy over there?"

"Uh, yeah," Knucks simply replied.

"Now spin," Sonic yelled, chucking Knucks up towards the group of machines. Curling into a ball as Sonic displayed, he ploughed through robots by the second.

Observing Sonic as he dashed next to Nine, just as he dodge a laser in a very cool way, Sonic picked him up. You watched a mild panic appear, disappearing just as quick.

"You too," Sonic called, throwing Nine who also managed to successfully spin dash. You, Rebel, and Rusty just stood and watched with awe for a moment.

"Aww man, I wish I could do that," you complained. Rebel snickered, placing a hand on your shoulder with a smile.

"Who needs that?" she claimed, "When we can do this!" She flew off, kicking a robot to the ground with ease. Smirking you pounced at the nearest eggforcer, slashing it in half.

"And this," you laughed. Rusty joining in as she slammed two robots together.

Finishing off the last of the robots, you found yourself on a pile of them at the bottom of the stairs. With hands on your hips, you felt proud. From the side, Nine tried to kick a piece of metal off his foot. When it didn't leave he tried to shake it harder. When it still didn't leave he glared a it, angry. Chuckling at his misfortune, his eyes found you, giving you and unamused look.


"What kind of budget are these guys working with?" Sonic rhetorically asked, landing at the top of the pile.

"We're at the sub level. Where's the exit," Nine questioned, continuing to free his foot. umping off the pile of metal, you heard the clunk of the robot piece free from Nine's foot, joining the collection.


"Found it," Knucks shouted as he opened a door letting the pile of robots crumble at one end.

Squeezing past the small gap, you landed softly on the ground. Dusting off your black pants, you listened as Sonic spoke.

"Good work team. Let's go," he began running as he finished. Everyone followed. As you ran through the hall, Nine jumped up, landing on his feet where he previously was running on his tails.

"Stop! it's that way," Nine spoke, pointing down another hallway. Sonic skidded to a halt before running back. Stopping behind Nine, you caught your lost breath.

"Well, how do you know," Knucks asked. Lifting your tired gaze, you listened, curios yourself.

"He's connected to the prism energy, and thanks to my handiwork, his shoes are picking up on the energy's signature," Nine bragged. Switching your attention to Sonic's shoes you found yourself amazed.

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