Aftermath: Moon, Mountains and Justice

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In fact, you know what? I have been studying pre-islamic gods and pro-Arabic dialects. Maybe those gods would help me if I call to them. After all, I do carry the ancestry. Let me try Allat and Dushara and see what happens.

With that, I close my eyes and say a prayer in the ancient Safaitic language, it wasn't so different from Arabic, so it would be be easy for me to understand.

𐪚𐪑 𐪒𐪁𐪑ة، إ𐪁𐪀ة 𐪑𐪁𐪄𐪃𐪇 𐪑𐪁𐪒𐪜𐪚𐪃ة
𐪑𐪁𐪉𐪚 𐪉𐪇𐪑𐪄𐪈 أ𐪉𐪈𐪑𐪒𐪀𐪑 𐪃𐪌 𐪑𐪁𐪊𐪃𐪑ء
𐪑𐪁𐪉𐪚 𐪉𐪇ى 𐪋𐪁 𐪆𐪚ء، إ𐪁𐪀ة 𐪑𐪁𐪂𐪇𐪈 𐪑𐪁𐪒𐪜𐪚𐪃ة 𐪁𐪄𐪈𐪑ئ𐪁 𐪑𐪁𐪒𐪕𐪅𐪃 𐪅𐪊𐪇𐪈𐪑𐪇𐪕𐪚 𐪅𐪇𐪄𐪃𐪅 𐪅𐪔𐪃𐪚𐪒 𐪑𐪁𐪒𐪇𐪈 𐪐𐪚 أ𐪇𐪑𐪓𐪚𐪀𐪃.

𐪒𐪈𐪕𐪋 𐪚𐪅𐪑𐪔𐪀 𐪃𐪎𐪑𐪒𐪈 𐪋𐪈𐪚𐪇ة 𐪐𐪚 أ𐪇𐪓 𐪖𐪇𐪚𐪈ة 𐪐𐪚 𐪑𐪁𐪆𐪇𐪄 𐪑𐪁𐪈𐪒𐪚𐪕.
𐪑𐪁أ𐪗𐪐𐪑𐪁 𐪚𐪁𐪄𐪅𐪌 أ𐪚𐪕𐪚𐪀𐪃 𐪌𐪂𐪅𐪚.
أ𐪌𐪑 أ𐪉𐪅𐪊𐪁 إ𐪁𐪚𐪋، 𐪚𐪑 إ𐪁𐪀ة 𐪔𐪃𐪚𐪁ة.
𐪈𐪑𐪁𐪂𐪄𐪚𐪄ة أ𐪄𐪅𐪁، 𐪃𐪌 𐪊𐪚ُ𐪇𐪚 𐪑𐪁𐪇𐪂𐪃ة 𐪁𐪚 إ𐪁𐪑 أ𐪌𐪉؟

End Of P.O.V

In the Palmyra Museum in Syria, the statue of Allat, a pre-Islamic goddess revered by the Nabateans, stood as an attraction for visitors. The Goddess was depicted seated on an ornate throne, adorned with a mysterious ring. By her side, a majestic lion was sculpted in all its glory.

As the tourists busily snapped pictures and marveled at this ancient relic, an unusual phenomenon began to unfold

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As the tourists busily snapped pictures and marveled at this ancient relic, an unusual phenomenon began to unfold. The ring adorning Allat's statue finger started to emit an ethereal glow. In a mesmerizing display, the finger, bearing the enchanted ring, broke free from the statue's grasp and soared into the sky. Its ascent tore a small hole in the museum's roof.

Meanwhile, in the National Museum of Damascus, a towering statue of Dushara, the chief deity of the Nabateans, stood sentinel. This god was characterized by his imposing, heavily bearded countenance. In one hand, he carried a finely crafted balance scale, and in the other, a majestic staff. At his side, a sculpted child walked beside him 

 At his side, a sculpted child walked beside him 

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