Rating Game: The Beginning

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"Water, the essence that cradles life within its liquid embrace, holds an unparalleled significance within the tapestry of existence," Sona mused, her words imbued with a sense of reverence as she conjured a shimmering sphere of water in her palm.

Asia's attention was rapt, her eyes fixed on the aqueous manifestation in Sona's hand, her curiosity piqued by the knowledge that was about to unfold.

"In the intricate symphony of the elements, water emerges as a symposium of stillness and healing," Sona continued, her voice carrying an almost mystical cadence that mirrored her reverence for the subject matter.

Asia absorbed every word, her gaze tracing the fluid contours of the water sphere, mesmerized by the innate power it seemed to hold.

"Yet, as with any force, its potential extends far beyond these tranquil domains," Sona expounded, her demeanor shifting subtly as she prepared to demonstrate water's versatility. With a subtle motion, she projected the orb towards a towering tree.

The tree's trunk yielded with a resounding crack, a testament to the raw power concealed within the liquid substance.


The battlefield transformed into a theater of clash and confrontation as Nel and Eel, a pair of young girls who stood as pawns within Riser's peerage, surged forward with chainsaws wreathed in fiery magic. Asia's eyes hardened as they closed in, her determination amplifying in the face of danger.

Reacting swiftly, Asia wielded her Shinai with precision, the surrounding orbs of water augmenting her strike. The watery sentinels not only extinguished the fiery onslaught but also propelled the twins back, causing their advances to devolve into stumbling retreats. Amidst the chaos, Mira, another of Riser's pawns, seized the opportunity to mount her assault. Armed with a wooden weapon ablaze with flames, she aimed a swift and precise strike at Asia, exploiting her momentary distraction.

Asia's attention, however, was fixated on Mira's impending blow. Swiftly and deftly, one of the orbs of water positioned itself above Asia's head, forming an elemental shield that negated the force of Mira's attack, extinguishing the flames in the process. An opening presented itself, and with fluid grace, she unleashed a retaliatory strike that sent Mira reeling, creating space between them.

In the ensuing engagement, Asia and Mira engaged in a rhythmic dance of combat, their distinct martial arts techniques intertwining in a ballet of strikes and parries. Asia swung her shinai at Mira, who countered it with hers, as both weapons met. Mira's staff whirled with a dancer's grace before hurtling through the air like a vengeful comet, its trajectory aimed directly at Asia's chest. The impact struck with a force that sent her stumbling backward

She smiled as Asia painted, fortunately, thanks to her protective gear, she wasn't hurt...that badly. Asia gripped her weapon tightly and went in the offensive. Just she was about to attack, Mira jumped upwards and spun on top of her, landing behind her. Asia, anticipating this, immediately spun her whole body clockwise. The momentum of her movement, and her water magic, added to her blow as she hit Mira to the side of her chest, just slighty above her diaphragm, the forces pushed her away, and although she was hurt, she didn't fall over.

At this point, they were exhausted, both combatants panted heavily, their stamina depleted from the intense struggle.

"So what now?" A taunt escaped Mira's lips, punctuated by a challenging smirk. Asia, her breaths labored yet resolute, returned the gesture with a knowing smile. She understood that the current stalemate called for a strategic twist.

With unwavering determination, Asia stood tall, her stance becoming deliberate as she drew a deep breath, an aura of vibrant green enveloping her form.


HighSchool DxD Eclipsed Origins: Asia Awakens(Abandoned)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن