Awakening Resolve: Steps of Courage

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In the morning that followed, Asia recounted her dream to Rias and Issei, the vivid details weaving a tapestry of enigma. Uncertain about the unfamiliar revelations, they urged Asia to share the vision once more.

"I don't know who they were or where they're from. Their language sounded harsh and rapid, with these throaty sounds that I've never encountered before," she mused, her tone infused with curiosity and perplexity.

"And you said something about murals?" Rias questions.

"I....I'm not sure, maybe they were just letters or random symbols, but yes, there were these random patterns, I'm not sure, but they kept swirling around me and I kept falling down repeatedly" 

"And all this happened right after you were pulled to the moon" Issei questioned. 

"Mmmhmh" she nodded.

Listening intently, Rias and Issei absorbed Asia's words, the weight of her experience evident. However, her narrative didn't conclude there. As Asia shifted nervously with her shirt, a resolute determination shone in her eyes.

"Also, uh....there's something I wanted to tell you." she continued, her fingers playing with her shirt's fabric in a fidgety motion.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!" Rias and Issei's exclamations rang out, a mix of shock and disbelief in their voices.

At School

"That's why I... um... I just hope you'll let me join your club. I promise I won't let you down, okay?" Asia's voice quivered slightly as she addressed Katase and Murayama, her head bowed in earnest.

"Uhhhhh," they exchanged puzzled glances, caught off guard by Asia's unexpected request. Kendo was certainly not something they anticipated her showing interest in.

Issei, observing the scene, couldn't help but sigh. "Please take care of her?" he implored, a hint of resignation in his voice.

Smirking, Katase responded, "Oh, don't worry. Considering who she lives with, we'll make sure she's ready for anything."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Issei's indignation flared.

"You know exactly what it means, pervert," Katase shot back, her expression unyielding.

Amidst the playful banter, Asia offered a nervous laugh, a mixture of awkwardness and amusement in the air.

After School

Asia POV

Learning hours had concluded, signaling the onset of my initiation. Katase and Murayama led me to the practice area for Kendo.

Navigating the dimly lit corridors, I stepped into the space that bore witness to my Kendo journey. Here, my eyes met the commanding presence of a woman with raven hair and piercing black eyes, radiating an aura of stern authority.

"Hello, Sensei. I'm Asia Argento. It's a pleasure to meet you," I greeted tentatively.

From the accounts shared by Katase and Murayama, I gathered that Sensei Kaede Nakamura was a master of the art, and she held the title of Kyoshi 7-dan. "

An assessing silence hung in the air as her gaze lingered on me, analyzing.

"You appear...timid," her observation, though not intended to be harsh, struck a chord within me. And she was right.

In hushed tones, Katase and Murayama leaned in to whisper to her, their words too low for me to discern. As their message reached her ears, her expression shifted to one of urgency.

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