Vincent nodded. "Of course, Michael loves you very much."

"He loves Ennard."

"He will definitely love Noah."

The pair of red eyes looking at him still seemed skeptical, Vincent couldn't really blame Noah for his negative thoughts. They've both been together longer than him and William, so this might be more complicated for them. Vincent exhaled slowly for the second time, he moved his hand in the air and a pill slowly appeared in his open palm. He took a glass of water that he had prepared earlier, then stepped towards Noah before giving it to the blonde man.

Noah knitted his eyebrows as he accepted the pills from Vincent, he never liked medicines, memories of his past came back to overwhelm him. "I'll be fine without it," he replied, placing the pills on the table next to the couch.

"You won't get better if you don't take it, Ennard." Vincent put one hand on his hip, feeling disappointed at how Noah preferred to refuse to take the pills he offered, but he had expected it. "If you drink it, you can recover faster. You can't change into your animatronic form right now because your soul body is still weak from fever and Michael is still repairing your illusion disc so you also can't change into a humanoid form either. You'll be stuck in your soul form for much longer, and you definitely don't want that, right?"

Noah let out an exasperated sigh, he hated how Vincent's words were correct, that if he didn't take the medicine then there was a big chance he would stay in his soul form longer because he didn't have the energy to change. He took the pill again and forced himself to swallow the bitter little thing, holding back the urge not to spit it out again as the medicine passed through his throat mixed with water. His stomach felt strange and nauseous suddenly, his throat suddenly flowed with fluid from within and Vincent immediately took a nearby bucket before placing it right in front of him.

He vomited the contents of his stomach into the bucket again, his chest felt tighter and the dizziness attacked again. The man in front of him was now massaging the back of his neck so he could expel the remains of the vomit from inside him, then gave him a glass of water.

"Well, it looks like you're going to stay like this for a while even while taking medicine," Vincent said quietly, sounding worried. "But suddenly changing into your soul form at a time like this? I really appreciate your courage, Ennard," he added while flashing an amused smile, from his tone he seemed to mean it. "In the end, you also want someone to love this form, hm?"

"Oh, shut up." Noah massaged his forehead which was throbbing with pain.

Vincent chuckled, before his eyes glanced at the door for a moment and in one tap from the tip of his shoe to the floor, his appearance immediately changed, returning to his rabbit mascot. Noah looked in the same direction, and not long after, the door opened. Elizabeth stopped walking after two steps with her green eyes widening at the blonde man.

"Who are you?!" Elizabeth exclaimed in panic, pointing at Noah with her index finger while backing away slightly. "How did you get in here?"

"Lizzy," Glitchtrap called as he approached Elizabeth and tried to calm her down.

The auburn-haired girl turned her face towards the virus. "Papa!" Elizabeth said in surprise, before Glitchtrap raised his eyebrows and Noah did the same, once Elizabeth realized what she said her cheeks turned red. "I mean—Glitchtrap—do you know him? Did you bring him here to be murdered?"

That at least impressed Glitchtrap, there was a warm feeling inside him. He chuckled softly. "I can't kill a dead person for the second time, can I?"

The middle Afton raised her eyebrows and tilted her head. "Dead person ...?" Her green eyes were fixated on Noah's red eyes, she narrowed her gaze for a few moments while Noah felt nervous and shifted himself to another part of the sofa to get further away from Elizabeth. Then Elizabeth widened her eyes again and her jaw dropped slightly. "You are Noah Carter! In Daddy's photo album!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

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