Wow, even the bathroom here is so pretty and clean

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Wow, even the bathroom here is so pretty and clean

"She'll be staying in the room behind the bathroom, it's a joined room but she'll have to pass through here, well if you need anything feel free to talk to us we'll always be here i'll let you settle in and if you hear a bell that means food will be sereved" Jenna nodded feeling relieved that she wasn't fully taking the girls room, she felt a bit guilty now knowing that the other girl would see her using her room, the lady left and she finally took it in the room, she took in the room, looks like it belonged to someone young, maybe around her age or a bit younger

"She'll be staying in the room behind the bathroom, it's a joined room but she'll have to pass through here, well if you need anything feel free to talk to us we'll always be here i'll let you settle in and if you hear a bell that means food will ...

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The room smelled nice and clean, the smell of the fresh clean sheets, everything, the bed was perfectly made, she made her way to the book shelf, she loved to see this person could read, Jenna loved reading, she wondered if she would get along with the girl.
The first thing she did was plop down the bed loving the smell of everything was clean, she quickly fell asleep.

Jenna woke up at the sound of bells, she checked her phone quickly seeing a lot of missed calls but mainly seeing the time

5:30 p.m

She stretched finally feeling well rested , it's been a while since she slept that good, no stress, no alarms no nothing

She quickly replied to her texts saying she was safe and that she fell asleep, leaving her phone charging

"Jenna! Ciao!" Emilia said with a huge smile "Ciao" Jenna answered back a bit hesitant "Doesn't that mean goodbye ?" Alessio laughed as he placed the plates down on the table.

Everyone sat down as Mafalda brought out the food, Jenna noticed her plate was different, hers was vegan, she smiled as they paid attention to her resume to be there

"So Jenna what do you do?" Emilia asked, a curious gaze as she looked at the young girl "Oh i'm an actress" Jenna said smiling softly

"Ciao a tutti!" (Hello everyone)

Jenna turned around as she saw the girl she saw earlier, she took in her appearance


Very cute


"Y/n! this is Jenna, she'll be staying with us, Jenna this is our daughter Y/n" Emilia said seeing the way Jenna was staring at her daughter
"Hi Jenna! nice to meet you and you can call me Scotti" Jenna stood up to shake her hand but instead was pulled in for a kiss on the cheek, she felt shocked, her cheeks heated up a bit, not expecting her to kiss her, she felt..well never mind that "Nice to meet you to, i saw you earlier on a bike?" Jenna said, she wanted to get to know the girl, she wanted to talk to her, she had a nice voice to her ears "Yeaaaah that was me i wanted to see who our guess this year would be, i'm glad it's you and not a guy to be honest" She said scrunching her nose in disgust "Oh c'mon Y/n Oliver wasn't that bad" Alessio defended his last year guest "Yeah you say that because you didn't share a room with him" She glared at her father, once her eyes landed on Jenna a smile took her face again "Anyways if you need i don't know a tour guide? any thing really feel free to ask me" Jenna nodded smiling as well, feeling nervous suddenly

Control your have a boyfriend she thought as she sat down taking a deep breath, but how could she be calm after this person in front of her? 

Y/n and Jenna made their way back to their room "So your italian?" Jenna asked as they walked in the room, Y/n turned around shaking her head slightly " You could say that!" Y/n said smiling

She quickly gave Jenna a tour of the room and where she could put her clothes and personal items

"So are you going to sleep?" Y/n asked as she checked the time, Jenna noticed she had an accent, a cute one "No not really! i took a nap when i got here, i'm actually going out can i borrow your bike?" She asked as she tied her shoes smiling, Y/n's shocked expression as she nodded "Yeah sure it's down stairs, just be careful? " Jenna nodded not saying a word as she grabbed her phone and wallet

"Later Scotti!"

Later??? Y/n looked at her very confused as she walked out of the door.

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