A delicious breakfast.

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Ian was still into the effects of myung

Why did he have to be so close whispering in his hear ?

Was myung teasing him ?

No, it can't be.

He must be mocking me,"Ian concludes his thoughts

His face was red as a tomato when he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

He washed his face and took a toothbrush who was already in the cabinet .

He decided to freshen up to start his job.

It was still very early, though.

Six thirty prior.

After completing his morning routines,he realised he didn't have clothes to wear.

He wore the bathrobe and went outside the bathroom.

To his surprise he found a pair of black trousers and a large T-shirt.

It was a modern hanbok.

It seemed Myung never forgot to accommodate his guests with necessities.

He quickly dressed in himself.

The clothes were a bit large for him, especially the T-shirt.

He looks like a snowman.

He went to the kitchen .

He wanted to do something to repay Myung and his sister.

So he decided to cook them breakfast even though he was hesitant to use the kitchen.

But he sues that thought away and was determined to cook something for them.

He noticed everyone was in their rooms.

He washed his hands and went to see what's in their fridge.

He took out 4 eggs and decided to make a French rolled omelet and alse the toast.

It was difficult to find their utensils, but he found them eventually.

While the eggs were frying,he made chocolate milk for Yul and coffees for the adults.

Since he assumed yul would go to school and the others were going to work,he decided to make a lunch box for them.

He opened the fridge , took out the vegetables and kimchi,took out the spices from the shelf, and started cutting onions and pepper.

He was so indulged in cooking while humming a song that he didn't notice someone staring at him.

That someone was none other than Myung.

He was eyeing Ian suspiciously.

"What are you doing ?"asked Myung.

Ian was startled by the devil voice that he dropped the spatula.

He grabbed it and answered.

"Umm,Mr Park, I made breakfast.I know I am not allowed to roam in the house and also made breakfast.But please, Mr Park, I love cooking so much.If you are ...."Before Ian could babbled more, Myung took some cherries tomatoes and stuff it in Ian mouth.

Ian eyes widened, and chewed the

No one apart his close friends have ever done this to him.

"He was indeed a devil but also savage."Cursed Ian internally.

But at the same time,Ian missed his best friends,Ari and Yeong.

He had no phone nor his laptop to talk to them.

"You talk too much.Thank you for making breakfast. you are allowed to use the kitchen Ian,just don't roam on the first floor.Didn't you read the rule well,Ian-shi"pointed Myung,making Ian snapped from his thoughts.

Ian glared at Myung.

Why did he have to point out the fact that he can't visit his modern beautiful house.

"Hmmm, what's that heavenly smells?"said minji, entering the kitchen with Yul.

Oh Ian, you made the breakfast, you didn't have to,"said minji, ruffling Ian hair.

Ian blushed.

He was foreign to this type of treatment, but he didn't hate it.

He knows that not everyone was lucky to have a family love.

"Nonna, I insist you guys have helped me so much.I am so grateful to you and Myung-shi.Please let me make the food everyday till my stay here to express my gratitude, noona."said Ian, bowing .

They nodded.

Ian served them their breakfast and went to pack their lunch.

For yul ,Ian had added fruits in his lunch box as they are healthy for kids.

"Hmm, it's so good, Ian.It's the best omelet rolled that I have eaten.I'd love to eat your other foods."compliment minji.

Ian smiled.

Yul agreed with his aunt while Myung was eating silently.

They continued their breakfast in silence.

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