Chapter 9

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I'm really sorry to say this but I'm discontinuing the book but don't worry I'm making it into a series, part of the problem is that I'm all out of ideas and the other is that I'm not getting that much views as I used to, I hope you all understand

Percy's POV

This has been a crazy quest for me and my friends, my brother JJ fought this idiot who thought he could be a demon lord called all for one, pretty dumb name right? We won by the way by a landslide since well... we're demigods... also because the gods actually helped out because even they thought he was annoying

After the quest was over we went back home to New York and will most likely never go back and see everybody again which is fine, the ones I'm glad we don't get to see again are my brothers old tormentors again, oh that reminds me! They were arrested for neglect, kidnapping, bullying and abusing so they aren't heroes or heroes in training anymore so that's good

When we get back to camp halfblood we got to see the cabin that the gods made for lost or unclaimed children in person which got us more excited than when we found out through IM because the one that was named for the cabin was our own mom who's like the mortal mom for all demigods aka the great sally Jackson-blofis

"So... what do you all want to do now?" I ask

"Beach..." everybody tells me to which I agree since we all just want a break... but that's what sucks about being a demigod... well more like a greek one... we don't get to retire no matter how much we try so when do we ever get a break? (The hint to the next book is very soon)

Flashback to when they're 12

"Percy Jackson and the Olympian's: the lightning thief? Hm sounds interesting..." a 9 year old brown haired and curly haired girl from the UK says, "I'll check it out"

Yeah... short but sweet

But anyway if you haven't figured it out yet  the next book will involve Harry Potter and his friends in fifth year while some of our amazing PJO cast will be 18 so... here's some questions I wanted to ask for the next story, do you want any of the HP characters to be demigods? Like instead of the beginning hermione could find out later that she's one? Now here's another, since I showed the hint at the end would you all like for her to show Harry and Ron? Show the book to them but still act like idiots and think they're death eaters... oh sorry... Thanatos eaters... or not show the book at all to them and they still think they're Thanatos eaters? Let me know what you think and again sorry for discontinuing...

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