To Be a Parent

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Outside of Kash's Facility, Night

The camp fam was once again creeping around in the bushes outside of Kash's facility, much like they've been doing ever since Darius went under cover.

"Guys, we have to be extra careful this time." Geleel reminded them as they crept through the bushes.

"Why?" Brooklynn questioned as she clutched Mae's tablet to her chest.

Before Geleel could answer a low rumble is heard as the group collectively gasped.

They all turned to see Geleel gesturing to two sleeping Velociraptors in the middle of the compound.

"That, that's why." The Allstar assured her as they all opted to move even more silently.

Nevertheless, they were fortunately able to sneak past the Velociraptors undetected.

However, when they ran up to Kash's building the entire group jumped when a rope was abruptly thrown down from above.

"What the..." Ben trailed off as they looked up to notice the rope coming down from the roof.

Fortunately, Darius soon appeared on the roof, letting them know it was only him.

Kenji was about to exclaim in glee but Yasmina shushed him before he could, she then jerked her heads towards the sleeping Raptors as he was reminded why they were being extra quiet.

"Alright guys, come on up." Darius whispered to the group from above.

Kenji turned to Sammy as he smiled at her softly.

"Ladies first." He said as Sammy chuckled at him and began climbing the rope.

"Ever the gentleman." Sammy said as she climbed to the too.

Kenji and Ben soon followed right after as they safely reached to the top.

"Come on Yas." Geleel urged the trackstar as she nodded and began climbing to the top as well.

As Yasmina made it to the top, Geleel ushered Brooklynn to go up.

He was about to follow suit until he realized Brooklynn was becoming wary of the sleeping Raptors.

The Allstar was going to call out to Brooklynn and reassure her that everything was okay was far too late, the pinkette's fear had caused her hands to slip on the rope and she fell back to the ground with a loud yell.

"Oh no!" Yasmina exclaimed silently as the entire group collectively began panicking.

Geleel helped Brooklynn to her feet swiftly as a loud snarl drew their attention, they then turned to notice the Velociraptors had woken up.

"Oh no..." Brooklynn trailed off as they both hissed and began menacingly approaching the two teens.

"Go! Go!" Geleel shouted to Brooklynn as she scrambled and began climbing the rope again, much faster this time.

The Velociraptors then let out loud shrieks as they charged forward angrily, the group from the top of the roof were still watching in terror.

Brooklynn had made it to the top as Geleel finally grabbed onto the rope and began scurriedly climbing, the Raptors getting nearer and nearer.

"Pull him up!" Darius shouted as the entire group began pulling the rope up to make things faster for Geleel.

As they were helping the Allstar get to the top one of the Velociraptors lunged up at him with it's teeth poised to bite him.

Geleel instinctively delivered a swift kick to the dinosaur's jaw as it fell into it's fellow Raptor with a whimper.

"Woo!" Kenji shouted as the entire group cheered, that could've went left real quick.

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