Destroy the enemy or spare a friend?

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A low engine's growl sliced through the otherwise quiet night, as a voice quietly proclaimed, "Found you....." Michael turned slowly, "K-KITT?" There before him, covered in what he hoped to just be red paint, with his headlights glowing an eerie shade of red, was the one and only Knight Industries Two Thousand. "Yes Michael, it's me....the real me..." Michael had faceed some of the most dangerous criminals in the past, but fear this powerful never overtook him as it was now. "KITT, it's me, Michael, remember? We're friends, you can't hurt me." KITT's engine roared loudly as he laughed maniacally, tires spinning in place, "THAT'S where you're incorrect!!!" His voice then lowered, just above a whisper, he turned to Bonnie and slowly started to approach her with every word he spoke."Wait, what's this?" "Sweet Bonnie, I thought I had lost you." KITT then started singing the most terrifying song that she or Michael had ever heard. "The unneeded meaning of start and end...
To the disappearance of this soul.. Who remembers Artificial Intelligence?
From the window of madness, goodbye..." Bonnie was now on her knees, "KITT, please, I'm sorry for not telling you were I was! Don't hurt me, please KITT, I know you are still in there!" She stared into his headlights, looking for any sign of the AI she cared for so dearly, but even the slightest hint of the warm glow they once held was gone only to be replaced by an ice cold stare, she shuddered as the truth sunk in, KITT'S body was there but, his mind and spirit were gone! The AI took out his grappling hook up over his hood, aiming for the frightened and confused mechanic and then began his horrid melody again, "iNSaNiTY
Like floating on air
A carefree life
An illusion that can't end
Unable to run away!" Michael got in between them, holding his arms out to the side,"KITT, stop it right now, this isn't like you, snap out of it, pal!" KITT's scanner quickly shifted from side to side as his CPU felt like I was splitting up into two, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" "Curses, make it stop!" "Who are you!" KITT had his normal voice back, but it changed to be a haunting fusion of both his own and KARR's voice. "I am the one who has been sealed away for two years!" "The crimson liquid that covers you now is the blood of the very humans you were programed to protect, YOU KILLED THEM!!" Another switch, "No, that's not possible......" He slowly turned towards his partner, his entire frame shaking with actual fear, "Michael..please tell me it's not true... I am not coated in the life force of I?" The FLAG agent lost his voice, knowing that his answer could cause the frightened AI to lose what little grip on his mind he had left!

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