Seeing Mackenzie Again.

Start from the beginning

A couple of days later…

This week was the worst. I can talk now. Kinda. Still working on some words.
I still have headaches from time to time.
My arm and leg hurt a lot. Have a cast of both of them.
Can't go home yet.
Missing important school stuff. ( But to be honest, I don't really care.)
I miss all my friends. Well not Jean-Luc.
And it's boring here. Nothing to do but watch TV.
Trying to walk again. Harder than it looks. How did Bluey do this? I don't know.

At school…

I had a couple of classes with Max. Like, gym, history, and math.
It was lunchtime and I invited Max to sit with our friend group.
We walked up to my original table and introduced him to everyone.
"Guys, this is Max and he just moved here from Canada. Is it okay if he sits with us?" I said.
"Sure!" They all said. But Coco huffed.
Okay. I had enough of this. Coco had been ignoring all of us for the past couple of weeks. Well, mostly me.
"Okay Coco," I said." We all know that you have been ignoring us, mainly me, and you're not saying anything to us." I folded my arms.
Coco stood up.
"You really wanna know huh Miss perfect? Don't you?" Coco snapped at me.
"Miss perfect?" I asked.
"Yeah. Miss perfect."
"Tell me then." I stood up and met her in the eye.
Coco slowly started walking toward me.
"You have been the center of attention for forever, leaving us in the dust. You asked Mackenzie to the dance even though you knew I like him." Coco pushed me against a wall. She was giving me the death stare.
"You are adored by every single frickin dog here. Jean-Luc, Mackenzie, others. But what about me? You don't even care about any of us but yourself! You and Mackenzie went to the dance. You also probably faked your injury when you 'popped' your knee! You-"
"None of that's true Coco!" I snapped.
"Yes, it is!" Coco ripped my fur off my head. Blood dripped down the side.
I pushed Coco off me and punched her in the nose, she fell to the ground. Blood dripped down into her mouth, but she didn't care.
"Why would I do such a thing! I've never been the center of attention! You have! You're such a damn drama queen!" I snapped at Coco.
Coco stood back up, and approached me.
"Yes you have Bluey! Mackenzie's in the hospital because of you!" Coco grabbed my neck. And stared me directly in the eye, and growled.
"I've hated you since Valentine's day." Coco barked at me and snapped her teeth at me.
"But you never said anything was wrong! If you did I would-"
"You would've helped me I frickin know! You think I don't?!"
"If you did know then why-"
"Shut. The. Actual. Hell. UP!" Coco yelled, and punched me in the face. 
I was shocked. I never saw this side of Coco before. She's usually kind and sweet, but not like this!
"Coco stop it!" Indy said, and tried to pull her off me with the help of Rusty. But it didn't matter. She kicked them both in the nose making them let go of her. Blood dripped from their noses, and they winced in pain.
Jean-Luc and Lucky dragged her off me, but Coco wasn't giving up. She tried to lunge at me but the guys held her down as I stood back up.
"Are you okay Bluey?" Honey and Chloe asked me.
"Uh-huh. I feel dizzy, but I'm fine." I said, and almost fell back down.
"Gosh, some of your fur is missing," Chloe said, and rubbed her finger on my head.
"Ow," I winced.
"Sorry." Chloe said, and showed me her finger that she rubbed on my head. It was covered in blood.
"Ah, jeez." I said, and rubbed my own head slightly. My paw had blood on it.
"Let's get you to the nurse." Chloe said.
"A little help here!" The guys said, and Honey and Indy rushed over to help them keep Coco down.

In the nurse's office…

"Oh my! What happened, Bluey!" Nurse Nancy exclaimed, and rushed over to me.
"A dog and I got into a bad fight." I responded, and sat down.
"You need to stop getting into fights! It's your second time this month!" She said, "Chloe, dear, could you get the principal please?"
"Yes," Chloe said and headed out of the room.
A few minutes later, Chloe and our principal came in.
The principal sighs. "Who did this to you, Bluey?" She asked me, and sat down on a nearby chair.
"Um, Coco…" I said regretfully. Sorry, she hurt me badly, but she's still my friend.

"I'll call you parents." Principal Greyhound said, and walked into her office.

Big Kid School: MackenziexBluey (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now