Scene 9:
As they continue to walk, they start to hear whispering and muttering in the distance. It appears to be the voices of two people, having a private conversation. As they strain their ears to listen in, they pick out a few words but can't quite understand what's being said.

Drax: "Hey, guys, I think I hear someone speaking up ahead. Do you hear it too?"

Alexander: "Yes, I think I do. Let's keep listening."

Scene 10:
Alexander, Miya, and Drax stop walking and strain their ears to listen. They seem to hear two people speaking in hushed whispers, but they can't quite make out the words. Alexander tries to concentrate and understand what they're saying.

Alexander: "I can't quite make out what they're saying... they're whispering so softly... I think it's a man and a woman talking. Can you guys pick up what they're saying?"

Miya: "No, it's too hard to hear... maybe if we keep going we'll catch some more words."

Scene 11:
Alexander, Miya, and Drax start to move slowly forward again, trying not to make too much noise. They continue to listen in on the conversation, trying to figure out what is being said.

Alexander: "I still can't catch what they're saying... It's like I can catch a few words then it disappears. I just can't quite make it out..."

Miya: "Keep going, guys, I think they're getting closer."

They slowly keep moving forward, trying to listen in more closely.

Scene 12:
As they continue to move forward, they get closer and closer to the source of the whispering. Alexander listens very intently, trying to hear what is being said.

Alexander: "I think I'm starting to understand what they're saying... I'll just listen a little longer..."

Miya: "What are they saying, Alex? Can you catch the words?"

Alexander: "I think I got it. I don't think it's two people whispering... I think it's just one person. And I think they're speaking a different language. I think it's..."

Scene 13:
Alexander, Miya, and Drax all lean in closer to the source of the whispering, their ears focused intently on hearing what is being said.

Drax: "What is it, Alex? Can you understand what this person is saying? Do you think they're dangerous?"

Alexander: "No, wait. I don't think they're dangerous... but I think I have an idea of who they are."

Miya: "Who could it be, Alex? Is it one of the professors or staff members? Are they down here with us?"

Scene 14:
Alexander turns and smiles at Miya and Drax, his eyes gleaming with newfound excitement.

Alexander: "You know whom I think it is? I think it's a faerie! There's been whispers of a faerie living in the magic school for years. No one ever believed it was true, but I think I might've just found one! Come on, let's keep going."

Drax: "A faerie? You can't be serious. I've heard of such creatures but never thought I'd actually see one! What should we do if we do find it?"

Scene 15:
Alexander, Miya, and Drax continue to move through the secret passageway, growing excited with anticipation of possibly encountering a faerie. The whispering is getting louder and clearer, and it definitely sounds like a single person talking.

Drax: "I really hope it is a faerie. That'd be so cool."

Alexander: "Quiet, you might scare them off."

Drax: "Oh, right, right. Sorry, Alex."

They continue to move forward, trying to stay quiet and listen in on the conversation.

Scene 16:
Suddenly, they all stop in their tracks, realizing they've found the source of the whispering. They see a glowing faerie before them, hovering in the air. The faerie looks at them all with surprise and curiosity. She then speaks in a strange language, her voice sweet and enchanting.

Faerie: "Greetings. Who might you fine folk be? Are you here to see me?"

Alexander: "I'm Alexander, and this is Miya and Drax. We were actually looking to find a faerie to speak to. We heard whispers of one in this school,

Scene 17:
Faerie: "Oh, really? I never thought anyone here would find me. I was just passing by and decided to visit this school for a while to see if I could learn new spells. So you were actually looking for me, huh?"

Drax: "Yes, we were trying to find you. We heard you whispering in the halls, and we were wondering if you might know some interesting things about this school that no one else does."

Faerie: "Of course! I know all kinds of things that no one else does."

Scene 18:
Faerie: "But it's a shame you found me at such a strange time. You see, I have an important matter to attend to, so I don't have much time to speak with you. But maybe you can come see me again at some point in the future."

Miya: "Oh, alright. That's a shame, but we understand. We'll be sure to visit you again some time and ask you all the questions we have."

The faerie nods and smiles at them, before floating away into the air.

The faerie nods and smiles at them, before floating away into the air

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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