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     I actually slept pretty well. My head didn't hurt so much that I couldn't sleep. But that changed when I woke up. It just kept progressively getting worse. But I had to push it away. I have work to do. I popped some ibuprofen and left.

Once I got to the studio, I put my bag in my office, and went to get the mail from the back. It's only 8:27, so I have plenty of time before anyone else gets here. And if you're wondering where the rest of my coworkers are well, the manager is on vacation, and the two other guys are sick, but they aren't necessary, and the manager knows I do my job. Once I finish turning on the lights, instruments and equipment, I unlock the front door and wait in my office for Harry and his band

15 minutes later...8:53

I looked at my clock and walked to the lobby to be able to meet the group, and on cue, ant exactly 8:55 am, They all walked in, some with guitar cases, others with personal equipment.

The last person to walk in, stopped in front of me with a guitar case and said, "Hey, I'm Mitch. H will be here in a few minutes, he had to go get something."

"Okay that's fine. Thank you. You guys can go through that door and set up. I'll wait here for Harry, let me know if you need anything."

"Okay thanks." He then walked off the go prep.

About 2 minutes later, a Range Rover pulled up. Harry stepped out and I swear he walked in slow motion. How did I never notice how handsome he is? 'Oh my gosh Sophia snap out of it.' He's a CELEBRITY! Besides, he doesn't like you anyway.

The bell rings.

"We meet again darling."

I smiled and gestured for him to follow me.

I walked in behind Harry and stood next to the doorway.

"Well, good morning everyone. I'm Sophia Gouwens. I am your assistant. If you need ANYTHING, don't hesitate to ask. Don't feel needy. This is my job. Is there anything I can get any of you before I leave you?"

Most of them shake their heads, and a few others ask for water.

"Okay, I'll go get a case of water bottles. I'll be right back."

I walked to the staff lounge and opened the fridge, grabbed the case and brought it back to the recording room.

"Thanks," were mumbled throughout the room.

I smiled and walked out, towards my office. I spent the day sending, reading, and replying to emails, and dealing with payment information. Trying to ignore my jabbing head.

At about 5:30, I heard a knock at my door. I opened to find a face, I was kind of hoping I wouldn't see. Harry.

"Mr. Sty- sorry, Harry, what can I do for you?

"We ordered some food, when it comes, can you possibly bring it in? If it's not too much trouble?" He asked kindly. Ugh. Why'd he have to be so sweet? NO NO NO NO NO

"Yes of course."

"Thanks, it should be here in about 15-20 minutes."


With that he left, but he looked like he wanted to turn around, and ask me something, but he didn't. He just kept walking.

20 minutes later

The food was here, in my hands, and I'm walking down the hallway, to the recording room. For some reason, my hands were shaking and sweating. (Oh my gosh get it together).

I knocked on the door quietly, in case they were busy, and walked in. Half of them looked towards me.. The rest continued doing what they were doing. Harry was in the booth. I couldn't help but listen to what he was singing.

"You know it's not the same as it it it was... you know it's not the same..."

After that, he signaled a thumbs up and walked out to us. When he saw me he perked up a little and smiled. (He needs to stop doing that...smiling).

"Hey, I brought y'all's food." I said as I set it down on the large coffee table.

They all mumbled a series of 'thanks you's and 'thanks' which I nodded in response to and walked out, quietly shutting the door behind me.

At about 7:30, most of them packed up and left for the day. But they'll be back tomorrow. yay...

I thought they had all left by 7:45, but as I was leaving my office, the last person I wanted to see came up to me.

"Thanks for all the help today." He said.

I nodded, "No problem. It's my job."


"Pardon?" I questioned.

"Why, out of every job in the world, did you pick to be a personal assistant to a bunch of narcissistic and vain celebrities? It's not like you care a whole lot about them."

I stoood there for a moment, pondering my answer. I don't really know why. "I'm not really sure. It's just a job, that didn't require a whole lot of experience. I left my parents house at midnight on my eighteenth birthday. I had to work for everything I own. This was an easy option. I just grew to like it."

He stared at me for what felt like an hour. The silence was deafening, until he interrupted it.

"Do you mind if I ask why...why you left?"

I shrugged. "abusive parents"

He just stared at me. (Great, I scared off another person with my issues).

"That's...that's terrible. I'm so sorry."

"It's no big deal. Honestly, I feel kind of guilty for doing it, I was probably overreacting." I said nonchalantly.

He shook his head. "If they hurt you, don't feel guilty for leaving."

"Thanks, but it's no big deal, really. It's not that important. It's all alright." I smiled, but really, I just told someone I just met things I've never told anyone. My mind flashes back to when I was 14. All those nights I would spend sobbing in my room at 2 am.

"Um...well, I've got to go home, if you need anything for tomorrow just email me."

He smiled and nodded, "I will, thanks again for today."

I nodded as he walked towards his car. I locked the front doors and started towards my house. It's gonna be a long walk. And of course my migraine had worsened. But whatever, it's no big deal.

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