Watch Out

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Today, no one came in so I just deep cleaned. OCD is great am I right...? Yeah no. But now that the recording room is clean, I can just go home and drown out my banging head, and fall asleep. I shut the doors and lock them, double checking because I overthink and always worry about one day leaving them unlocked and someone breaking in. I only live 2 miles away, and it's a busy street, so it's safe to walk home alone. I wrap my scarf around my neck and walk towards the grocery store to grab some chicken and spinach for dinner. As I check out, I see ibuprofen is on sale and grab 2 bottles. That won't last me that long.

I'm about a block away from my house, when I run into someone and fall onto my back. Well great. There's gonna be a bruise. I'm about to curse them out when I'm hear and apologetic English accent.

"I'm so sorry. Are you a right love?"

I looked up to see a man, probably six feet tall. I recognize him, but I can't put it together.

"Oh yeah I'm fine."

He sighed out of relief.

"Thank goodness. I'm trying to keep my head down so I don't get spotted. I didn't see you."

Keep his head down so he doesn't get spotted? Why?

"Pardon me for asking but why shouldn't you be seen?"

Come on who is he. You've seen him before.

"You don't know who I am?" He smiled slightly, and reached out a hand to help me off the ground.

"I'm sorry, no. I think I recognize you, but I can't seem to pin point it.

He chuckled quietly. "Do you recognize the name Harry Styles?"

Of course, why couldn't I remember him?

"Oh, yeah."

"Not a fan?" He asks.

"No, I like your music, I just don't care about the celebrity aspect. Not really my thing."

He nodded at my response.

"Yeah I understand that. Now that you know my name, what's yours?"

"Oh, um, Sophia...Sophia Gouwens."

His face changed. "That sounds familiar."

"MY name?"


I'm confused. How does HARRY STYLES, recognize MY name?

"Wait, do you, by any chance work at Woodburn Records?"

Should I be scared? "Yeah? I'm a client assistant."

"I think you're my assistant for the next few weeks." He said smiling.

Uh, wha- wow. Okay. Act normal come on.

"Really? Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, 9:00 am sharp."

"I can't wait. And I'm sorry again about running into you. Are you sure you're okay?"

Other than the bruise on my as- "Yeah I'm fine."

"Well then, have a good night love."

"You too Mr. Styles"

"Harry." He said.

Pardon, I'm confused again. "What?"

"Call me Harry, Mr, Styles sound weird."

"Harry, have a good evening."

He smiled at me and walked away.

When I got home I was so distracted. Like, my client tomorrow is one of my favorite artists. That's kind of crazy. But of course my adrenaline rush didn't last long, because before I knew it, my head was pounding again. Fun.

Hey so I want y'all's opinions. I've had this written for a few months and I just recently read a fan fic called Cherry which is very similar. I DID NOT COPY HER. I think Cherry is amazing and you should read it. Anything written in this is by me. I will go and change some of the story a little bit so it's not the same. Love you all 🌙🪐🍒🥝🍉🫶

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