Chapter 1:We meet again.

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"Ok dad, I get it! You'll be the first person I ring when I reach the airport, I promise!" I groaned talking to my dad on the phone.

10 minuets till the plane landed. I looked out the window, smiling to the thought of knowing that I am home, well second home at least. The thought of competing in the big competition in a few hours from now on brought shiver down my spine. Being known for the person with the best "visuals" and  "skills" brought on a lot of pressure on me and I'm super worn out but my team needs me. The only thing I can practice on when I reach at Shorehaven is not my surfing but how to surprise Griff, he's been asking me all day when am I coming back. Although Griff is super cocky, he's actually the most decent one on Anchor cove. Being on a break from Anchor Cove and Shorehaven its self was the best decision I have made knowing all the accidents and problems that have happened recently. Ari Gibson. Though we are "enemies", I feel bad for what happened to him. We're not exactly friends, we have just shared a few glimpse and smiles to each other. He's nice though, all of the Shorehaven boardriders surfers are, I don't understand why does my team despise them so much.

As I waited for my bag to be rotated on the belt, I heard someone calling out my name.

"Dad?! What are you doing here?" I excitedly said when I saw him holding up a sign saying "Welcome back honey!"

It's been a year since I came back to Shorehaven. I grabbed my bag and immediately ran to him to give a hug. Sigh of relief was given out by both of us knowing that we are safe together.

"You didn't think I would have missed your heat did you? It will take about an hour back to Shorehaven and we wouldn't even have enough time to catch up, so I have decided to just bring your stuff along and go straight to the beach to not waste any time! Smart, right?" He said smiling cheerfully. I can't help but chuckle at his child like behavior. He looks like a child meeting someone for the first time.

"Well, did you at least bring my lucky board. Please say you did." I look at him worriedly

"Of course I did! I'm literally the best dad ever, how can I not different shade your old and ugly board. I still wonder why wouldn't you use the one that mom got you." My dad did not say anything after that sentence. It was so quiet I could hear wind passing by my me as people walked pass us.

It has been almost 3 years since moms terrible surfing accident. We barely talk about her this days as the moment someone says her name or bring up that day, dad would instantly go silent and emotionless. I feel bad for him, i just wished he'd find a new person to cheer him up. I'm not saying that we should forget mom, i just want him to be happy again.

I coughed to break the silence. "Come on dad, I'll be late if we don't go now! I know that you purposely drive slow just to catch up with me and I hate it. So let's go now. Let's go!" I said pulling his arm toward the car that is parked outside the airport.


"Ok honey, we're here. Are you ok? Are you sure you want to do this? I mean you don't have to. I know you're tir-" There goes my dad, rambling again about my safety. In all honesty, I love him but I'm not nine anymore but also honestly, I am super worn out.

"Dad, I'm okay. I promise, really. I have to do this for the team, they need me out there." I said giving him a hopeful smile.

"Okay then, I'll meet you down there. Go get changed." He smiled and left to see the heats that are ongoing down at the beach.

I took my things out from the back of the van and started to slip on my wetsuit. Hearing the familiar waves crash is like music to my ears. As I picked up my board, I heard a loud smack.

"Oh damn! I'm so sorry! I should've been more careful with where I'm going and looking a-"

"Nah it's all good. I was totally waiting to be smacked again by someone. Is it like a good luck thing or something you guys do here or- Wait..." she discontinued her words and looked at me closely.

"Y/N? Y/N Anderson?! What's good fam?" She put her hand out for a shake but it took me a few seconds to realize who I'm looking at.

"Oh my god. Summer Torres?! Shut up! How long has it been, like 3 years?" I said excitingly.

"3 years and a half to be exact. Damn girl, I almost didn't recognize you at first. You look different." She said eyeing me up and down smirking.

Summer and I have been friends ever since first grade but we lost connection after she got expelled in grade 6. She was the best thing that happened to me when I was in New York. All the fun I had was thanks to her, even if I got in trouble a few times I didn't blame it on her cause she knows how to have some fun. If you ever want to have a teenage dirtbag past to look at, definitely she's the first person you would want to meet immediately .

"Shut up! You became hotter since the last time I saw you. So, any news? Life, school, rebellious stage ouh and boys." I made sure to emphasize the last word of my sentence. She laughs and rolled her eyes at me. "What are you even doing here?" I asked while zipping the back of my wetsuit.

"Well...I got expelled." I was surprisingly not surprised. I nod my head signaling her to continue on her sentence.

"And Margot's away on a gig to the middle east, so I'm stuck here staying with one of the families I haven't met in a long time. Ugh, I even tried throwing my clothes away so that she wouldn't send me here and mind you, those we're my best pairs too! Luckily you're here though, at least we can spice things up! Am I right?" Summer's still Summer. I'm glad she haven't changed one bit. It makes me feel like I'm living in New York again.

A horn blowing caught me off guard. "Gibson's gills are dry, after a year out with injury. First competition back, let's see what he brings to the party" The commentator said. I was surprised hearing that Ari is back. Is he really okay now?

"Hey summer, my heats coming up soon. Here's my number, maybe we can go for a skate tonight? I'd really love to talk and catch up." I said handing a piece of paper that consists of numbers I wrote quickly a few seconds ago.

"Yea sure, didn't know you're into surfing now." She asked looking down at the number.

"Yea, mom's inspired me. Anyways, catch you later ye?" I said while giving her a handshake and start making my way down to the beach to watch Ari's heat.

"Good luck!" I heard as summers voice began to trace away.


"First Ari and now Y/N Anderson? That girl never talks to anyone she doesn't know. You're so lucky to even be near her like that. I could never, I would faint immediately." Poppy said jealously.

"It's not that hard, just talk to her. She doesn't bite." Summer replies sarsticlly. "For as long as my friendship with her has started, she's the most open New Yorker I've ever met that easily makes friends and connect with others easily. That's why she's my ride or die you know?" She continued.

"Wait What?!" Poppy and bodhi said in sync.


Word count: 1319

Hey guyssss!!! Hope you are enjoying this chapter and is excited for the future ones to come. Do give me feedbacks and what I should improve or add on to the following chapters ahead. Stay safe and stay healthy<3

This or That I A Fan-fic based on a Netflix series &quot;Surviving Summer&quot;حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن