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Name: The Warden

Nickname given by Ruby: Jaune

Age: ???

Gender: Male


(A/N: Yes i know that i used this picture for another fic, but i like this one very much so i decided to re-use it

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(A/N: Yes i know that i used this picture for another fic, but i like this one very much so i decided to re-use it.)

Likes: Ruby, his home, protecting Ruby, spreading his Sculk, infecting everything, Cookies,

Dislikes: Ozpin (He doesnt trust that guy for one minute), Ozpins inner circle (lapdogs in his opinion), people breaking into his home, people destroying his property, his blindness (it annoys him to no end), people mocking Ruby, Yang (He hates her overprotectiveness), Ruby being sad, humans and faunus in general (Ruby being the exeption)

Neutral: Salem and her Grimm, Raven Branwen (He respects her strong will and strength) and Zwei (He doesnt hate him as he doesnt know what Zwei is)

Background: He is as old as the recorded time, he existed when the gods and magic were a thing and survived the extinction of humanity twice, due to him being semi-immortal he is a force of nature that even the two Brother Gods respect, he is an extradimensional creature that has infected several other dimensions before arriving on remnant, there for is he the center of the hive mind, the center nerve, the brain of the infection known as the Sculk, millenia past by in a blink for him until he heard the shriekers go off in a rapid frenzy, thinking his home was being attacked, he dug up to the surface of the city and was about to attack, what he saw however left him baffled, a girl in red was infront of him and strangely enough, she did not fear him like most would, ever since then, they were inseperable to the point were Ruby joined the Hive mind of the sculk without killing her...

Is Ruby happy = He is happy

Is Ruby sad = He is pissed

Is Ruby crying = Have fun fighting a monster with the sole desire to see your corpse on a pike and your head on a wall


-Unnatural strength: He has the power to literaly chuck multiple boulders the size of houses at his victim without getting tired, he can also punch through several walls of reinforced walls, made to withstand even blasts of multiple missles at once, without difficulty

-Near invincibility: With his already unnatural strength, he is also VERY experienced in combat, capable of picking up things at a ridiculously fast pace, it is also said that he is even able to fight The Wither on even grounds before going serious

-Extremly high health: Speaking of Wither, The Warden is said to even be able to outlive it by miles, The Wither has aproximately 300 Hitpoints (HP), 100 HP more than the feared Ender Dragon, a dragon of unimaginable power, but it all pales in comparison with The Warden and his 500 HP, there for he is far stronger than both of them, combined with his ability to adabt to almost anything makes him a very fearsome and near invincible foe

The Warden of the RoseWhere stories live. Discover now