Introduction and First Mission

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Nobody's POV:

???:"Come on you can do better than that!"

A voice yells out as rain pours down heavily and the muddy ground sticks to their boots as they run through the training course before stopping at a range and picking up rifles and shooting at different-sized targets and reloading.

???:"Not good enough! Try again!"

Groaning can be heard as they go back and make it through the rain again and through the training course before firing their weapons again at the targets.

???:"Good enough! Get back inside the base!"

The tired and soaked men and women make their way inside the base where their superior waits for them with at ease.

CMD Sieran:"You have passed the selection tests congratulations! You have now become soldiers of the Shadow Breakers 3rd squad of the second infantry company."

Maril:"Oh, thank god! I thought that was never going to end, but it looks like all the effort paid off!"

CMD Sieran:"Indeed, go to your quarters and get some rest. I will have orders for you tomorrow. Your squad leader is already there waiting."

Carmen:"Yes ma'am."

They walk down the hall to their new quarters together before opening the door and entering their quarters, closing it behind them, where their squad leader stands there with their arms crossed.

Monique:"So you're the new meat."

Carijet:"Yeah we are."

Monique:"Good, don't disappoint me, then go to your rooms and rest. We're likely going to be on a dangerous mission tomorrow, and you'll need all the energy you can."

The others don't complain, as they are exhausted after all the training. As they enter their rooms, Sieran walks in and goes over to Monique, where she salutes Sieran.

Sieran:"At ease Monique."

Monique:"Permission to speak about the recruits?"

Sieran:"Granted what do you have to say."

Monique:"Ma'am, these recruits are greener than grass I don't think they'll last for long."

Sieran:"Dismiss those feelings. Monique because Mia Hellios has a consistent record of being an incredible medic and preventing losses, Carijet has the most experience out of all of them, and Carmen is stoic, strong, and remains calm under pressure, along with the benefit of being able to carry more weight. As for Maril, she's got the best aim out of all of them she's the greenest of them all, but she's the most agile of them all."

Monique:"I will put my trust in your judgment, commander."

Sieran places a hand on Monique's shoulder, looks into her eyes, and sighs before taking her hand off.

Sieran:"Monique the last mission wasn't your fault just say the word, and I'll let you out or give you a therapist. They knew the risks of fighting the Black Reapers, and unfortunately, it's common for them to die on their missions."

Monique:"I know it wasn't, but it still hurts Sieran. I knew them on a personal level, and I can still hear and see them in my sleep."

Sieran raised Monique's chin with one hand before planting a kiss on their lips and backing up before walking back towards the door.

Sieran:"I know it isn't easy for you, Monique I.... Wouldn't want to lose you either, so that's why the choice will always remain if you want to leave or seek therapy."

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