Chapter 4

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Twilight... isn't quite sure of what to think about Razor. Truthfully, he doesn't know what to think of the situation he and his brothers had found themselves in.

First, the portal is so rough that Four is knocked out the second he comes out the other side and Hyrule throws up his lunch — Twilight takes a second to question if the only reason he stayed standing was because of the tree before dispelling the thought.

Then, they run into strange chuchu-like beings — which are taken care of quickly enough — and a camp of bokoblin-adjacent creatures. The small ones fall rather easily, but Time decides that slamming his sword against a wooden shield the size of a door will make it break.

It doesn't.


Time might be the leader and oldest of the group, but he is still a Link; they are not known for their wisdom.

While the Old Man bashes at the shield with no results, a teen runs in and does something that Twilight couldn't quite catch. All he saw was a flash of purple and then the large creature had roared.

Next thing he knows, the kid is learning what a handshake is from Wind and lowkey threatening Twilight — Actually, it wasn't even lowkey, he looked ready to pounce and rip out his throat if his pack threatened his family's territory. Thankfully it only seemed to extend to actual wolves, so his hylian pack was not a threat.

A few discussions and a trade for a guide to the city later, Twilight finds himself eating a meal made by their cook and his new helper as the sky slowly turns orange from the sunset. Time and Legend had come back from wherever it was they went when Wild had proudly proclaimed that Razor had helped flip the meats and cook them; the teen himself was looking at them like a small child showing their parents their best doodle and waiting for praise. When Time gives Razor an absurdly fond look (he says he's not parental but Twilight can smell his fatherly urges from a mile away) and tells him he did a good job, the teen brightens up so much that Twilight nearly starts squinting.

Who gave this feral puppy of a person the right to be so pure? He's getting heart palpitations, dammit.

Now. Twilight is not the most distrusting of his brothers — that honor goes to Warriors and Legend — but he's also not the most trusting. None of the Chain is quick to trust, their journeys making them wary and distrusting of those they do not know, some more than others. They can tell when someone is shady, and dangerous, hiding their intentions, or masking them as something innocent. They can tell the subtle shifts in someone's body language that mean that they are getting aggressive or gearing up for a fight.

And yet, they looked at this feral teen and practically shoved him into their group. Sure, a few are still watching him for any signs of aggression, but they seemed strangely relaxed. Twilight has an inkling as to why they're so relaxed around this kid they have just met.

Razor just... doesn't seem deceptive; he's not sure if the kid even has a dishonest bone in his body.

Some say that the eyes are the door to one's soul and feelings. One can look at the eyes of a person and tell what they're thinking, although everyone is guarded in some way, walls metaphorically put up in their eyes to hide their deeper feelings from others. Yet, Razor's eyes are open and completely uncovered; he hides nothing and allows them to see everything he feels and thinks. Twilight has a feeling it has to do with his upbringing; animals don't hide feelings from each other. If an animal doesn't like you they'll make that very clear, they won't smile and hide their distaste in the face of being cordial. When Razor pinned him as a threat he did exactly that: he jumped straight to snarling and growling and posturing instead of seeming cordial and trying to figure out his intentions.

This isn't Hyrule (Genshin x Linked Universe)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें