The 50 dollar bet

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(Kinda the prologue)

It was lunchtime and all the students were in the lunchroom. I sat down at a table next to some of my friends and we talked, until the room went silent as 7 boys walked in. The host club. My friend Jaimee was freaking out "OH MY GOD!" she points at them "IT'S THE HOST CLUB!!!" she turns to me grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

My response to this was just "Yup now calm down before you break your vocal cords" Jaimee glared at me "It's not my fault they're pretty!" she shrugs, "Well duh of course they're pretty! They are called the ouran high school host club for a reason. But they do this everyday of the year! You should be used to it by now" I say kinda shrugging "I know but-" she sighs and takes a bite of her sandwich.

Then a little light bulb goes off in her head "Hey y/n remember that time you made me do acting camp with you in 3rd grade?" "Yeah? Where is this going?" Jaimee smirked "It's time for my payback!" "What?" "You gotta join the host club!!!" she says whining a little. I give her a 'are you serious right now look'. She tilts her head "What?" "I'm just saying you should join, maybe even get more guy friends!" I look at her in disbelief "I'm fine with only having girl friends thank you very much"

"Oh come on you would fit right in with them! You're a pretty guy they're pretty guys! It's a win win" she says and sighs "No matter what you say I'm still gonna sign you up or at least force you to be friends with them".

I roll my eyes "Soooo, you're not just gonna do this to get close to them are you?" I raise an eyebrow "That is in fact half of it" she crosses her arms
"Y'know what I don't care at this point, but listen to me when I say this" I grab her by the shoulders "If I get in you owe me 50 bucks!" "DEAL" she shakes my hand.

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