The Shadows Hold a Dark Place (Part 1)

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The professionals were all gathered at the front of the school. An ambulance was parked right outside the front door, as several police cars were parked on the side of a nearby street.

"You seem to have a broken nose," A paramedic said.

She rubbed my cheeks, applying pressure around the folds of my face as well.

"I'll be able to heal from that right?" I patiently asked.

The paramedic grabbed a cup of water and handed me it and a single pill. The pill was a pale oval with a pink shade over it, it had that medicine smell to it that I despise.

"Here, this should help with the pain you're experiencing."

I grabbed the pill and drank it down with the water.

Hendrix was already taken to a nearby hospital before I even arrived. The paramedics said that he had a good chance of living, it was just a matter of 'how long it would take for him to heal'.

"You really should go to a hospital. You have a some blunt trauma around your face, and we would need to check any internal damage to see if anything is deadly," The medic explained.

The truth is, my mom could probably afford any medical treatment, but I really don't need it. Sure, I may have harden skin like diamonds, but the main talent is my healing. Most things like knifes and bullets can't pierce my skin, but the things that could would end up being healed within 8 or so hours.

"I'm fine, my family can't afford any treatment anyways," I lied.

The medic looked at me puzzled,"If you don't get checked out, you might get permanent damage somewhere."

I placed my hand on my nose. The bones in my nose gradually shifting around, moving into it's original position. Slowly, like a creeping tortoise.

The healing process already started. I just need to sleep this off and I'll be better tomorrow morning.

"I'm fine, I promise," I assured her, "I just need time to heal. That's all."

The medic looked stunned, she couldn't comprehend what she was hearing. Must be scary for her, having an injuries person deny any treatment. But in all fairness, I really don't need it.

The police contacted my mom in order for her to pick me up. It was dangerous for me to stick around, especially since I'm apparently a target.

Three police officers were huddled in a group, talking among themselves about the situation. They probably couldn't find Jeremiah. That's good. I don't know what he would do to them if they did.

The wounds on my face were almost completely healed, with small cuts shown on my right cheek. I could probably have my injuries healed by the time I get home.

From the main street, a red Toyota pulled into the front of the school; parking in front of me. The car window in front of me rolled down to reveal my mom:

"Ciro! What happened?!?" My mother screamed.

The car ride was an eventful one. Mom is a very passionate person, all Italians are. When they experience emotions, they experience them to the absolute max. My mom is no exception to that.

"Did you get a good look of his face?" My mother questioned.

I shook my head, "it was dark in the room, didn't see a thing."

"Cavolo," She muttered under her breath, "At least you weren't killed. The Lord only knows what Nonno and Nonna would do."

We pulled into our driveway and parked the car in front of my garage. The house we lived in was fairly nice. It had two stories with the upstairs where the bedrooms were, and with the downstairs having the kitchen and living rooms.
The house had a outer wooden fence that was accompanied with a front door. The door itself wasn't the door to the actual house, it was actually the door to the front area; a small section with rubber pavers as the ground. It was decorated with a small tree in the middle, placing itself in front of a large square window. The window was covering the front wall from the ground up to a 8 inches below the roof of the inside.

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