
Lukas:(Are you OK?)"Are you okay, Jess?"

Lukas:(It'll be fine.)"You're gonna be fine. You hear me?"

Lukas:(You're a hero, Jesse)"You're a hero, you know that? You just saved the world!"

Jesse grunts in pain.

Lukas:"Come on Jesse. Say something."

Jesse tries to get up, but the pain stops her. Lukas gets shocked.

Lukas:(Get up, Jesse!)"Get up, Jesse! Get up! You can't just give up on me. Not now."

Lukas:(Jesse, I need you.)"Jesse, don't do this to me. I need you, Jess."

Lukas:(I'm here for you, Jess.)"It's okay, Jess. I'm here."

Lukas puts his hand on Jesse's cheek to comfort her.

Lukas:"I'm here."

Jesse's pain starts to get worse, and eventually, she dies. Jesse's inventory is left behind. 

Empty Potion Bottle.


Flint and Steel.

Enchanted Diamond Sword.

Dragonsbane Armor.

Jesse will be remembered...

Sad violin music plays.

Me:(Sad look on my face)

Lukas:(Sad look on his face)

Lukas picks up Jesse's inventory, holds it, and stares at it with tears in his eyes.

Lukas:(Tearfully)"You were a great girl..."

I nod in agreement and I hang my head in grief.

Reuben, Axel, Olivia, Petra, Lukas, and I all cry, mourn and grieve for Jesse.

Everyone that was involved with the Wither Storm starts gathering around Reuben, Axel, Olivia, Petra, and Lukas to pay their respects to Jesse the fallen hero and slayer of The Witherstorm. The Wither Slayer. The screen fades out afterwards.

Remembering Jesse

As the sad violin music plays, clips of Jesse are shown. Some of Jesse smiling, some of Jesse grinning,


One week later

The scene transitions to Reuben, Axel, Olivia, Petra, Lukas, and the remaining members of the Order of the Stone paying their respects to Jesse at her graveyard. A crowd of people are cheering in the background. Reuben, Axel, Olivia, Petra, and Lukas walk onto a stage, about to give a speech.

Jesse lifts her head up.

Jesse:"Lukas! You came back!" 

Jesse lies her head back down again.

Lukas kneels down next to Jesse and holds her hand.

Lukas:"Jesse...I'm so sorry...This my fault. This is all my fault. This is all of my fault. This is because of me. I'm the one who went after my friends."

Jesse:"But you couldn't have known what was going to happen."


Gabriel looks at Lukas' jacket.

Gabriel: That jacket... I recognize it!

Jesse: Lukas always wears that jacket.

Gabriel: No -- there were other people wearing that very same jacket when I was thrown from the monster! Ugh... it hurts just to think about...

My Random Book Part 2!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora